Friday, May 22, 2015
Vietnam Medal of Honor Stamps
The Medal of Honor: Vietnam War stamp sheet will feature photos of 48 living medal recipients, the Postal Service announced May 20.
The names of individuals who received the medal for their service during the war will also be listed on the sheet, which will be modeled after the recent World War II and Korean War Medal of Honor stamp folios.
Almost a dozen medal recipients from the Vietnam War are slated to participate in the Memorial Day dedication of the stamps.
Postal Service employees who served in the military during the war are also invited to attend.
The ceremony, which is free and open to the public, will be held Monday, May 25, from 1-2 p.m. at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
The Envelope, Please...the Winner is...
Operations Programs Specialist Walter Dobson (center) won the Scientific category in the South Florida Federal Executive Board's "Federal Employee of the Year" awards program. Sharing the moment are Manager, Operations Programs Support Janice Atherly (left) and District Manager Jeffery
Taylor (right). Photo: Jann Miller
On May 8, the federal community recognized Walter Dobson for his work as Accident Investigator/Tort Claims Coordinator for the South Florida District. Dobson, an Operations Programs Specialist, won the Scientific category in the South Florida Federal
Executive Board’s “Federal Employee of the Year” Awards Program.
Pompano” also represented the South Florida District at the awards program.
Employees nominated in the Management category included Pompano Beach, FL, Postmaster
Edwin Coppola; Tropical Reef Manager, Customer Services Frank Mariano; Coconut
Creek, FL, Manager, Customer Services Louis Mongilia; Margate, FL, Manager,
Customer Services Camille Moscola-Calvo; Coral Springs, FL, Manager, Customer
Services Rick Veiga and Coconut Creek, FL, Supervisor, Customer Service Support
Ismary Veiga (also nominated in the Administrative Support category). Pompano Beach, FL, Administrative Assistant Sharon Puhl was nominated in
the Clerical/Administrative Support category.
Dobson was one of 12 federal employees to win first place in their respective categories. He likened an accident investigation to completing a jigsaw puzzle, and that putting together the pieces of an accident is his job. Dobson
is credited with saving millions of dollars for the U.S. Postal Service,
primarily the South Florida District where he single-handedly processed 741
total accident reports and 240 tort claims in FY14.
began in 34-year postal career as a mechanic at the Miami Vehicle Maintenance
Facility. In his current position, Dobson initiates, reviews and/or analyzes
reports of every accident claim submitted by managers at 187 postal
installations from Fort Pierce to Key West. While Dobson investigates claims
ranging from customers tripping over curbs in postal retail parking lots to
carriers experiencing dog bites on their routes, the majority of his work
involves motor vehicle accidents. Approximately half of the South Florida
postal use one of 4,966 postal vehicles tractor trailers, 11-ton and 2-ton
trucks, carrier vehicles, and administrative vehicles.
L to R: "Team Pompano," including Margate Manager, Customer Services Camille Moscola-Calvo; Tropical Reef Manager, Customer Services Frank Mariano; Pompano Beach Postmaster Ed Coppola; Coral Springs Manager, Customer Services Rick Veiga; and Coconut Creek Supervisor, Customer Service Support Ismary Veiga. Coconut Creek Manager, Customer Services Louis Mongilia was not available for the photo. Please see individual photo below. Photo: Ismary Veiga
Coconut Creek Manager, Customer Services Louis Mongilia, also competed in the Management category. Photo: Ismary Veiga
Coconut Creek Supervisor, Customer Service Support Ismary Veiga (left) and Pompano Beach Administrative Assistant Sharon Puhl (right). Photo: Louis Mongilia
Miami Retail Quartet Gives 100%
to Miami Retail Associates who conducted perfect Retail Customer Experience
(RCE) transactions: Rebecca Fickler, Coconut Grove Branch; Briggett Glinton, Miami General Mail Facility (GMF) Postal Store; Gerald Gorecki, Father Felix
Varela Branch; and Byeong Im, Miami Springs Finance Unit.
New Supervisors in Training
New Supervisor Program consists of 16 weeks --- four weeks of classroom
training and then on-the-job training at their work location. During Week
12, participants receive cross-functional training --- Customer Services at the
Processing and Distribution Centers and Maintenance and Distribution Operations
at delivery unit. Participating are Supervisors, Customer
Services Jean Auguste, Flamingo Branch; Lavon Barnett, Palm Beach Gardens Branch; Mary
Beharry, Fort Pierce Main Office; Helen Culley, Jog Road
Station; Cheryl
Granville, Wellington Carrier Annex; Stacey Hill, Palms Central Branch; Mary
Kelley, Okeechobee Post Office; William Looney, Jupiter Post Office; Katiaya
Odom, Jog Road Station; Peter Rapone, Boca Rio Branch; Michael Razzano, Delray
West Branch; Debbie Sciubba, Atlantic Branch; Angela Serio, Tropical Reef
Station; Marjorie Tomassini, Deerfield Main Office; Supervisor, Maintenance
Operations Cindy Fasano, West Palm Beach Processing and Distribution Center
(P&DC), and Supervisor, Distribution Operations Daniel Nerys, Royal Palm P&DC,
also are participants.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
What's in Your Mailbox Today?
The Postal Service is making strategic investments in technology, Postmaster General Megan Brennan told mailing industry leaders May 18.
“We’re especially committed to investing in innovation to spur growth and profitability,” Brennan said at the National Postal Forum, the industry’s largest annual conference.
One example: USPS is developing a daily digital notification service that will allow customers to see what’s arriving in their physical mailbox, the PMG said.
The project, known as real mail notification, is being tested in Northern Virginia and will expand to New York City this year. Initial results are encouraging: Ninety percent of participants use the service daily to check what’s arriving in their mail.
“We’re building this platform to bring physical content onto the same screen as the user’s digital content. The potential is enormous for this industry,” Brennan said.
The PMG also discussed other opportunities for the industry to leverage the rapid adoption of digital and mobile technology by consumers.
“Our industry has a big role to play in that digital future,” she said.
A transcript of the PMG’s speech is available online. A video will be posted when it’s available on the Newsroom site.
“We’re especially committed to investing in innovation to spur growth and profitability,” Brennan said at the National Postal Forum, the industry’s largest annual conference.
One example: USPS is developing a daily digital notification service that will allow customers to see what’s arriving in their physical mailbox, the PMG said.
The project, known as real mail notification, is being tested in Northern Virginia and will expand to New York City this year. Initial results are encouraging: Ninety percent of participants use the service daily to check what’s arriving in their mail.
“We’re building this platform to bring physical content onto the same screen as the user’s digital content. The potential is enormous for this industry,” Brennan said.
The PMG also discussed other opportunities for the industry to leverage the rapid adoption of digital and mobile technology by consumers.
“Our industry has a big role to play in that digital future,” she said.
A transcript of the PMG’s speech is available online. A video will be posted when it’s available on the Newsroom site.
Forget-Me-Not Stamps Deliver Missing Children Message
The Postal Service has issued a stamp to raise awareness of the nation’s missing children.
“We are deeply committed to this noble and urgent cause,” said Postmaster General Megan Brennan, who dedicated the stamp at the National Postal Forum in Anaheim, CA.
Almost half a million children were reported missing last year.
The stamp is the latest example of the Postal Service’s “longstanding commitment” to the cause, the PMG said. Since 1985, at least 158 missing children have been recovered through a program that puts their photographs on “Have You Seen Me?” mailings.
Representatives from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Valassis Communications Inc., the Postal Service’s partners in the mailings, participated in the stamp dedication.
The ceremony also featured a video message from longtime victims’ rights advocate John Walsh, who praised the stamp as “another example of how the United States Postal Service and Valassis bring hope to families that their children will return home.”
The stamp shows a small bunch of purple forget-me-nots and the words “Help Find Missing Children.” The stamp sheet includes information on how to join the search.
“We are deeply committed to this noble and urgent cause,” said Postmaster General Megan Brennan, who dedicated the stamp at the National Postal Forum in Anaheim, CA.
Almost half a million children were reported missing last year.
The stamp is the latest example of the Postal Service’s “longstanding commitment” to the cause, the PMG said. Since 1985, at least 158 missing children have been recovered through a program that puts their photographs on “Have You Seen Me?” mailings.
Representatives from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Valassis Communications Inc., the Postal Service’s partners in the mailings, participated in the stamp dedication.
The ceremony also featured a video message from longtime victims’ rights advocate John Walsh, who praised the stamp as “another example of how the United States Postal Service and Valassis bring hope to families that their children will return home.”
The stamp shows a small bunch of purple forget-me-nots and the words “Help Find Missing Children.” The stamp sheet includes information on how to join the search.
ISC Safety Record is No Rubbish
Miami ISC Distribution Clerk Luis Alfonso proudly displays his safety board.
Story & Photo: Lucille Roberson
reduce the number of accidents at the Miami International Service Center,
Manager, Distribution Operations Ben Jones issued a challenge for employees to
come up with an idea that promotes the importance of safety in the
workplace. Over the past two years, Distribution Clerk Luis Alfonso has
been picking up items that could cause slips, trips and falls from the floor
and displaying these safety hazards on a poster board. “Luis went above and
beyond what was expected and earned a gift certificate for his efforts,” said
Monday, May 18, 2015
Miami Quartet Provides Great Service
to Miami Retail Associates who conducted perfect Retail Customer Experience
(RCE) transactions: Briggett Glinton, Miami General Mail Facility (GMF) Postal
Store; Rebecca Fickler, Coconut Grove Branch; Gerald Gorecki, Father Felix
Varela Branch, and Byeong Im, Miami Springs Finance Unit.
Southern Area Recognizes District Business Service Network Trio
to R: Manager, Marketing Juan Nadal; Manager, Consumer and Industry
Contact Lillian Castro; Business Service Network Representatives Vivian
Plather, Iliana Valdes, and Adriana Bedoya; and District Manager, Jeffery
By Lillian Castro, Manager, Consumer and Industry Contact
During a recent Southern Area Marketing Manager’s meeting, South
Florida District was recognized for Business Service Network (BSN) performance
for Quarters 1 and 2, FY15. The district received framed artwork and postage stamp series
featuring the brave heroes, fearsome villains, and extraordinary creatures that
inhabit the world of Harry Potter.
The BSN is a nationwide network dedicated to providing support to
our largest customers through service related issue resolution, information
sharing, and request needs. The BSN is strategically positioned to have
an impact on customer satisfaction, revenue growth, and retention.
Business Service Network Representatives are single points of
contact assigned to large accounts and are experienced in various aspects of
Postal Service products, services, and procedures. The South Florida
District BSN is comprised of Adriana Bedoya, Vivian Plather and Iliana Valdes.
Each has built strong professional business relationships with our most valued
customers by providing excellent service, communications, and information and
all are essential links between the customer and postal operations. The
South Florida District BSN customers account for yearly revenue in excess of
$75 million.
NALC Food Drive: "All in the Family'
Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect the goodness and compassion of their postal customers, who participate in the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive. As in every year, South Florida letter carriers, rural carriers, and postal and community volunteers worked together to collect, process, and/or deliver canned goods to local pantries and food banks.
Tavernier Postmaster Eddy Suarez (left) and Rural Carrier Martin Castellon (right)
Palms West Branch Letter Carrier Edward Frection
Palm Beach Gardens Branch Letter Carrier Tameki Stone
Alridge Station Letter Carrier Paul Berger
Inverrary Branch Letter Carrier Betty Fletcher
Palm Beach Gardens Branch Retail Associate/Distribution Clerk Anne Mack
Alridge Station Letter Carrier Margie Bartlett
Palm Beach Gardens Branch Letter Carrier Chris Caswell
Palm Beach Gardens Branch Letter Carrier Jack Solis

Quail Heights Letter Carrier Danielle Reasor
Bridge of Hope volunteers at the Snapper Creek Post Office
Sunrise Branch Letter Carrier Cesar Ballestas

Inverrary Branch Letter Carrier Chanse Brown
Alridge Station Letter Carrier Aywanna Arnold
Photos: David Guiney, Gale Jackson, Alex Sepulveda, Mirtha Uriarte

L to R: Oakland Park Branch Andy Gonzalez, Sue Rodon, Yanier Leon, and Sue Foley
Bridge of Hope volunteers at the Snapper Creek Post Office
Sunrise Branch Letter Carrier Cesar Ballestas

Inverrary Branch Letter Carrier Chanse Brown
Alridge Station Letter Carrier Aywanna Arnold
Photos: David Guiney, Gale Jackson, Alex Sepulveda, Mirtha Uriarte
Teamwork Returns MTE to USPS
Story & Photos: Gale Jackson, West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator
Loxahatchee Rural
Carrier Associate Dolly Noriega (above) poses with MTE that was recovered after
she discovered it on a customer’s property.
Congratulations and thanks to
Loxahatchee Rural Carrier Associate Dolly Noriega, who cited three pieces
of Mail Transportation Equipment (MTE) at her customer’s home while delivering
mail on her assigned route. Noriega
contacted Loxahatchee Officer In Charge Gale Jackson, who notified Postal
Inspector Johnny Niedzwiedski about the containers. When Inspector Niedzwiedski arrived at the
home, he found three orange hampers full of trash in the customer’s front
Jackson notified West Palm Beach
Manager, Transportation Roe Herzog who dispatched Tractor Trailer Operator
Sergio Valencia to collect the hampers. A deputy from Palm Beach County Sheriff assisted Valencia in emptying
and loading the hampers onto a postal truck.
“I knew this customer should not be using this equipment and I just
wanted to do the right thing,” said Noriega. “I got some soap, a water hose and
washed down the equipment, it’s now back into circulation,” Valencia said.
West Palm Beach Manager, Transportation Roe Herzog (left) thanked Tractor Trailer Operator Sergio
Valencia for his role in returning the equipment.
MTE is essential in accepting,
sorting and moving mail within the processing network and is extremely
expensive to replace. As a rule of thumb, the Postal Service suggests that no
more than a seven-day supply of MTE remains on hand. Unfortunately, there are
many instances where the equipment is never returned by customers who sometimes
use the containers for personal use.
MTE is federal property. Anyone caught stealing or misusing it can be fined $1,000 and face up to three years in prison. The equipment can be returned to local Post Offices or to processing and distribution facilities. Arrangements also can be made for the Postal Service to pick up larger amounts of equipment and/or pallets by sending an email to with "Equipment Pickup Request" in the subject line. Please include the company name and address where equipment is located, the type of equipment and quantity, and a contact name and phone number.
MTE is federal property. Anyone caught stealing or misusing it can be fined $1,000 and face up to three years in prison. The equipment can be returned to local Post Offices or to processing and distribution facilities. Arrangements also can be made for the Postal Service to pick up larger amounts of equipment and/or pallets by sending an email to with "Equipment Pickup Request" in the subject line. Please include the company name and address where equipment is located, the type of equipment and quantity, and a contact name and phone number.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Fort Lauderdale Employees Deliver Outstanding Customer Service
Fort Lauderdale Main Office
Carrier Annex Manager, Customer Services Raymond Borger presented 25-year
Service Awards to Distribution Clerk James Peglow and Letter Carriers Cynthia
Everett, Augusto Pimentel, Helen Rhodes and John Torres.
Fort Lauderdale Retail
Associates who earned a Gold Star Award for achieving perfect scores
on recent Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transactions include Regina Mason, Sabal Palm
Postal Store; Wadau Ogionwo, Colee Finance Unit; Linda Prince, Southside
Station; Tivisay Rivero, Gateway Finance Unit and Oakland Park Branch, and
Helen Wolfe, Alridge Station.
Fort Lauderdale SSA Judith Burke Earns Perfect RCE Score
Fort Lauderdale Main
Office Retail Associate Judith Burke performed perfection on a recent Retail
Customer Experience (RCE) transaction. She
achieved a perfect score and was recognized with a Gold Star Award.
Photo: Amy McCall
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Miami West Carrier Annex Employees Praised for Outstanding Performance
West Carrier Annex Custodian Jenard Fletcher (left) receives his gift
certificate from Supervisor, Customer Services Susy Ramos (right).
Miami West Carrier Annex City Letter Carriers Alexis Diaz (left) and Richard Regalado (right) pose with their gift certificates and Manager, Customer Service Operations Marcia Pedraza (center).
NALC Food Drive
This year’s Stamp Out Hunger — the nation’s largest
one-day food drive — will be held Saturday, May 9.
The Postal Service encourages customers to place a sturdy
bag containing non-perishable food next to their mailboxes prior to regular
mail delivery May 9. Letter carriers will collect the food, which will be
donated to local food banks.
“For more than two decades, the National Association of
Letter Carriers and the Postal Service have worked together to stamp out hunger
in America. This year, we’ll come together once again to help feed families in
need,” said PMG Megan Brennan.
Approximately 50 million people face hunger every day in
the United States, including almost 17 million children.
Stamp Out Hunger has collected more than 1 billion pounds
of food since the annual drive began in 1993.
In addition to the National Association of Letter Carriers and
USPS, sponsors include the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and
Feeding America, a national network of food banks.
For more information, visit the Stamp Out Hunger site and watch this
year’s public service announcement, as well as a
new video on the role of food banks.
May Celebrates Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, a time to recognize the accomplishments of people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent.
This year’s theme is “Many Cultures, One Voice: Promote Equality and Inclusion.”
May was selected because it includes two important dates. The nation’s first Japanese immigrants arrived May 7, 1843, and the transcontinental railroad was completed May 10, 1869. The railroad was built mostly by Chinese immigrant laborers.
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month is also known as Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It’s celebrated by people of Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Thai and Vietnamese descent.
The Asian-American and Pacific Islander population grew almost 43 percent between 2000 and 2010 and is projected to grow 19.5 percent by 2020. The population is expected to reach 47 million by 2060.
This year’s theme is “Many Cultures, One Voice: Promote Equality and Inclusion.”
May was selected because it includes two important dates. The nation’s first Japanese immigrants arrived May 7, 1843, and the transcontinental railroad was completed May 10, 1869. The railroad was built mostly by Chinese immigrant laborers.
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month is also known as Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It’s celebrated by people of Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Thai and Vietnamese descent.
The Asian-American and Pacific Islander population grew almost 43 percent between 2000 and 2010 and is projected to grow 19.5 percent by 2020. The population is expected to reach 47 million by 2060.
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