Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Semi-Postal Stamp to Benefit Wildlife

Under a new law, the Postal Service will offer a semi-postal stamp to benefit animal species conservation in 2011.

As with all semi-postal stamps, this new issue will be priced above the regular First-Class Mail rate. The difference in price will go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Multinational Species Conservation Fund. This fund administers grants to help combat poaching, protect habitat, control diseases, and support public education efforts.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a non-governmental organization, the Multinational Species Conservation Fund has been successful in helping improve the status of wildlife, including, among other animals, great apes in central Africa, rhinos in southern Africa and Nepal, tigers in Russia, and marine turtles in South Carolina.

The Postal Service will begin selling the new stamp within 12 months.

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