Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thanks to WPB Employee Generosity, Holidays Will Be Brighter for Local Needy Children

L-R: Marcia Kolp, Lisa Albu, Marine Jessi Rodriguez, Marine Gerson Chavez, Paul Hill and David Snell.

Marcia Kolp (L) and Lisa Albu (R) help load a truck full of toys.

Marine Jessi Rodriguez (L) and Paul Hill (R) were pleased with this year's volume of toy donations.

L-R: Marguerite Goulet, Paul Hill, Gerson Chavez (Marine), Ken Gryb, Jessi Rodriguez (Marines), Ken Goodrich, Lisa Albu, Sergio Valencia, and Marcia Kolp take a moment to pose for the camera.

L -R: Marguerite Goulet, Paul Hill, Marine Gerson Chavez, Ken Gryb, Marine Jessi Rodriguez, Ken Goodrich, Lisa Albu, Sergio Valencia, and Marcia Kolp pose with 25 bicycles donated by employees.

WPB P&DC’s employees purchased 25 bicycles, plus hundreds of toys were collected by the Plant and 334-349 area offices and sent to the WPB P&DC for the “Toys for Tots” Campaign.
Today the Marines picked up the bikes and toys. Assisting Marines Jessi Rodriguez and Gerson Chavez load the U-Haul were Lisa Albu, Marguerite Goulet, Paul Hill, Marcia Kolp, and David Snell.

Special thanks to Lisa Albu who was the WPB P&DC coordinator, Joann Goodrich, Customer Relations Coordinator for assisting with the Toys for Tots Program, and Kenneth Goodrich, Manager, Maintenance for his support. Ken enlisted the assistance of his staff to help the Marine’s load the trucks. Goodrich also thanked employees for all their hard work in making this year’s Toys for Tots a success.
“Lisa Albu & Marcia Kolp were instrumental in making it happen,” stated Goodrich. "You and the West Palm Beach area employees did an awesome job which will reflect in the smiles of many needy children on Christmas morning."
Contributor: Joann Goodrich

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