Wednesday, March 30, 2011
CFC's "Stanley Cup" Travels the District
Rural Carrier Veiga Saves the Day
Grow Your Business Days

Today is "Welcome Home Vietnam Vets Day"

Monday, March 28, 2011
Stamps and All That Jazz

New Deputy PMG is Ronald A Stroman

Edison, MIA Finance Units to Close June 3
Recognizing Career Milestones in April
"Brothers Beckett" Now in Miami Lakes

Friday, March 25, 2011
Organizational Redesign: eCareer Workshops, Education/Development Fairs Scheduled
The Learning Development and Diversity Department is hosting Education and Development Fairs. These off-the-clock activities are open to all employees throughout the district. Representatives from universities that offer discounts to our employees will be on hand to answer questions and provide information on available degree programs. Participating educational institutions will be Ashford University, DeVry University, Kaplan University, Strayer University, and the University of Phoenix. During these fairs, the Postal Service also will sponsor sessions on the following topics:
-- How to Prepare for an Interview
-- Responsible Borrowing and Money Management
-- eCareer
-- Online classroom demonstrations
Monday, March 28
Miami P&DC, 2200 NW 72 Ave, Miami
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Human Resources Conference Room
Tuesday, March 29
Fort Lauderdale P&DC, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
4:00 pm - 10:30 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
5:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 129
Wednesday, March 30
West Palm Beach P&DC, 3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
5:30 pm - 10:30 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 139
Thursday, March 31
South Florida P&DC, 16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 699
Friday, April 1
South Florida P&DC, 16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 699
South Florida Water Restrictions: If You're Odd, It's Wed/Sat, and If You're Even, It's Thurs/Sun
Doug Bass, Director of Safety, Security & Emergency Management for the South Florida Water Management District has issued the following on landscape irrigation restrictions:
1. Users conducting landscape irrigation with reclaimed water are not restricted.
2. Landscape irrigation is prohibited between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00 pm, except as otherwise provided herein.
3. Irrigation of existing landscaping shall comply with the following provisions:
a. Even addresses, installations with irrigation systems that irrigate both even and odd addresses within the same zones, such as multi-family units and homeowners' associations, and rights-of-way or other locations with no address, shall have the opportunity to accomplish necessary landscape irrigation only on Thursday and Sunday.
b. Odd addresses shall have the opportunity to accomplish necessary landscape irrigation only on Wednesday and Saturday.
Special Contributor: Mike Balcom
Thursday, March 24, 2011
PMG Reacts to PRC Opinion on 5-Day Delivery
It’s important to remember that the Postal Service came well prepared to this undertaking. Based on extensive outreach to our customers and other stakeholders, we developed an operational plan, analyzed the potential cost savings and conducted extensive market research to document customer reaction and estimate mail volume changes that could result from implementation of this plan.
Following tremendous losses in mail volumes and revenues, the Postal Service remains in the midst of a period of great financial instability. On March 30, 2010, we presented a compelling case to the PRC, reflected in the testimony of Postal experts in operations, marketing and finance, as well as a highly respected market research firm and academician. Their testimony demonstrated that the plan would effect a $3.1 billion annual saving and allow the Postal Service to continue providing excellent service in an economical and efficient manner.
The Commission’s opinion is advisory only and therefore, is not a final determination on the merits of our proposal. We remain convinced of our findings. As such, we will also continue to press our case with the Congress on this matter.
Are You Planning to Retire?
With eRetire, employees within 5 years of retirement eligibility can immediately view and print an annuity estimate. Employees within 180 days of retirement eligibility also can enter a future effective date, download and print or order a retirement application package and schedule a retirement counseling session.
Employees can access eRetire in one of the following three ways:
-- On LiteBlue, go to the employee apps carousel at the center of the home page.
-- Click on the “My HR” tab at the top navigation bar of LiteBlue and then on the “Find Employee Apps” section.
-- Click on the employee apps button at the bottom of every “My HR” Page.
You’ll need your Employee ID and USPS PIN to log onto LiteBlue.
PMG Announces Redesigned Postal Service
“I am confident that we have developed a strong plan that takes a key step toward a leaner and less bureaucratic structure. One that is fair to our employees and one that will meet the future needs of our customers and the mailing industry,” Donahoe said.
About 7,500 positions will be eliminated across the organization through the redesign that also includes the closing of seven district offices, and offers voluntary early retirement and limited financial incentives to those who meet specific qualifications.
The seven district offices that are closing are Columbus, Ohio; Southeast Michigan/ Troy, MI; Northern Illinois/ Carol Stream, IL; Southeast New England/ Providence, RI; Southern Georgia/ Macon, GA; Big Sky/ Montana (Billings); and Albuquerque, NM. District offices house only administrative functions and do not affect customer service, mail delivery, Post Office operations or ZIP codes. The functions of these seven districts will be assumed by district offices within close proximity.
“It’s critical that we adjust our workforce to match America’s changing communications trends as mail volumes continue to decline,” Donahoe said. “At every step and with every change, our focus remains on our customers and continuing to provide outstanding customer service.”
Today’s announcement focused on the administrative and executive corps. Additional staff reductions will occur as the Postal Service makes necessary changes to its network and retail operations. The full scope and financial impact of these personnel actions should be realized in one calendar year, by March 2012.
While cost savings will be realized, the main objective of the restructuring is to enhance and strengthen customer service and relationships. The realignment flattens the organization, enabling flexibility to more quickly adapt to changing market forces and continuing mail volume decline.
The Postal Service is streamlining operations and improving efficiencies across the organization in order to protect its ability to provide affordable, universal mail service. By modifying networks, consolidating functions and restructuring administrative and processing operations, the Postal Service is adapting to meet the evolving needs, demands and activities of its customers.
“Mail remains valuable. It is at the heart of a $900 billion industry that continues to drive commerce and the American economy,” Donahoe said. “We will continue to work with Congress and our employees to achieve the long-term, structural and legislative changes we know we need to remain a viable organization.”
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pain at the Pump is a Crude Awakening

To cope with pain at the pump, many Americans are able to modify their commuting and driving habits, combine multiple shopping errands into one trip and simply eliminate non-essential driving. Not so for the Postal Service.
Each day the Postal Service is committed to serving more than 150 million delivery points, along more than 230,000 routes, six days a week. To collect, transport, and dispatch the mail, the postal fleet of more than 215,000 owned vehicles logs some four million miles per day. In Fiscal Year 2010, the Postal Service’s fuel bill for all transportation — street, highway, and air — totaled $1.7 billion, for 650 million gallons of fuel.
A one-cent rise in fuel prices increases Postal Service costs by $6.5 million annually, or $540,000 a month. If gasoline prices were to rise 57 cents, from current levels to their July 2008 all-time high average of $4.11, USPS fuel costs would increase by almost $31 million per month.
Another threat posed by increasing energy costs would be the economic squeeze placed on American businesses to reduce their costs wherever possible, including use of the mail. During the recent recession, the Postal Service experienced significant declines in mail volume and revenue. The Postal Service would be negatively impacted if the U.S. economy slips significantly again due to spikes in fuel prices.
While the Postal Service continues to seek congressional approval to reduce delivery frequency to five days per week — a move expected to save about $3 billion per year — the Postal Service for years has been aggressively pursuing technologies to promote sustainability and reduce its dependency on foreign oil.
The Postal Service operates the world’s largest fleet of alternative fuel-capable vehicles — more than 40,000 — that can use fuels such as electricity, ethanol, compressed natural gas and bio-diesel. Two-ton electric vehicles have been delivering mail in New York City since 2001, and three-wheeled electric delivery vehicles are being tested in Florida, California and Arizona.
The Postal Service also is testing hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles, whose only emissions are pure water, and is working with the U.S. Department of Energy to develop prototype electric vehicles.
For more information about our alternative fuel vehicles and technologies, go to and the green newsroom.
District Adds eCareer Workshops 3/28 Thru 4/1
Currently, the Postal Service is creating a new structure being referred to as “Organizational Redesign,” to meet the future needs of our employees, our customers, and the mailing industry. What does this mean to your future?
Organizational Redesign has the potential to effect large numbers of EAS employees in our district and across the nation. How can you best prepare? Attend an eCareer workshop to learn how to prepare your eCareer Profile. These workshops will be invaluable, should you find yourself needing to compete for a vacant EAS position.
The Learning Development and Diversity Department is hosting Education and Development Fairs. These off-the-clock activities are open to all employees throughout the district. Representatives from universities that offer discounts to our employees will be on hand to answer questions and provide information on available degree programs. Participating educational institutions will be Ashford University, DeVry University, Kaplan University, Strayer University, and the University of Phoenix.
During these fairs, the Postal Service also will sponsor sessions on the following topics:
-- How to Prepare for an Interview
-- Responsible Borrowing and Money Management
-- eCareer
-- Online classroom demonstrations
Monday, March 28
Miami P&DC, 2200 NW 72 Ave, Miami
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Human Resources Conference Room
Tuesday, March 29
Fort Lauderdale P&DC, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
4:00 pm - 10:30 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
5:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 129
Wednesday, March 30
West Palm Beach P&DC, 3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
5:30 pm - 10:30 pm, Education & Development Fair in Cafeteria
7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 139
Thursday, March 31
South Florida P&DC, 16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 699
Friday, April 1
South Florida P&DC, 16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, eCareer Workshop in Rm 699
Preparing for Change: Understanding a RIF
To help employees understand how organizational change process works, including RIF, the Postal Service has prepared a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that address the process in general terms. The FAQs address such terms as “RIF avoidance-minimization,” notification procedures and “preference eligible” employees.
To learn more about these and other terms, as well as how the organizational change process works, go to the Organizational Changes website, easily accessed from Blue and LiteBlue. In addition to Organizational Change/RIF FAQs, employees can find information on retirement — including Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) — and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Updates can and often do occur. Employees are encouraged to periodically visit the website to make sure they’re up to date on organizational change/RIF procedures as well as the other topics covered.
Friday, March 18, 2011
School Bells to Ring at District Plants
The Learning Development and Diversity Department is hosting Education and Development Fairs in the South Florida District Plants this month. Representatives from universities that offer discounts to our employees will be on hand to answer questions and provide information on available degree programs. Participating educational institutions will be Ashford University, DeVry University, Kaplan University, Strayer University, and the University of Phoenix.
The Postal Service also will sponsor sessions on the following topics:
-- How to Prepare for an Interview
-- Responsible Borrowing and Money Management
-- eCareer
-- On-line classroom demonstrations
The Education and Development Fairs, which are off-the-clock activities, are as follows:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
11:30 am – 6:30 pm, 9:00 pm – 11:30 pm
Miami P&DC, 2200 NW 72 Avenue, Miami
Thursday, March 24, 2011
4:00 pm – 10:30 pm
South Florida L&DC, 5500 NW 142 St, Opa-locka
Friday, March 25, 2011
4:00 pm – 10:30 pm
South Florida P&DC, 16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
4:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Fort Lauderdale P&DC, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm – 10:30 pm
West Palm Beach P&DC, 3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach
For additional information and facility room location, contact Damaris Agrait, Manager, Learning Development and Diversity, at 305-470-0881.
Change is Coming ... Are You Prepared?
Employees can work on their profiles at their convenience — day or night — because eCareer is available 24/7 on LiteBlue. Employees need their Employee ID number and USPS PIN to log on to LiteBlue. Once on LiteBlue, employees have three options for entering eCareer:
-- Go to Employee Apps at the center of the home page.
-- Click on the “My HR” tab on the top navigation bar and then on the “Find Employee Apps” section.
-- Click on the employee apps button at the bottom of every “My HR” page.
-- Once you’re on the eCareer information page. Click on the Create a Candidate Profile link and follow the step-by-step instructions, especially the “Build Your Candidate Profile Guide” section. -- After reading the instructions, go into the app by clicking the Apply Now link and start creating your profile.
-- Once your profile is complete, keep it up to date by adding newly-acquired skills, training and capabilities. When a profile is complete, it’s easier to apply for new job opportunities as they become available.
For assistance or questions, contact the Human Resources Shared Service Center Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 8:30 pm EST at 877-477-3273, Option 5 (TDD/TYY: 866-260-7507).
Carrier's Tip Helps Inspector Nab ID Theft Ring
Diaz contacted his supervisor and Postal Inspector Brian McCarthy of the Miami Division. McCarthy initiated an investigation, eventually uncovering a large and well-organized identity theft ring in South Florida.
McCarthy learned that members of the ring included a hospital emergency room registration clerk and an employee at a doctor’s office who were stealing patient information. Ring members applied for debit cards in victims’ names, and then used the cards to drain their bank accounts at ATMs throughout South Florida. The fraudulent cards were delivered through the mail.
Victim losses are mounting daily as the investigation continues. But so far, McCarthy estimates that postal customers and others have lost approximately $300,000.
McCarthy has arrested five suspects (the fifth involving a 10-block foot chase). One has already pleaded guilty and is facing up to 10 years in prison. Additional arrests are anticipated.
Postal Inspectors offer these tips to avoid ID theft:
-- Shred unwanted documents containing personal information before discarding them.
-- Review consumer credit reports annually.
-- Never give personal information over the phone or on the Internet unless you initiated the contact.
Publication 280, Identity Theft, has more information on how to avoid becoming a victim of this crime.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Phishing Scams Cast Without a Fishing Pole: Don't Fall Hook, Line and Sinker

For additional information on internet and other frauds, visit the U.S. Postal Inspection Service website at
Mail Lifts Troop Morale

Preparing for Change: What's in Your eOPF?
When preparing for upcoming organizational change, consider reviewing your eOPF to double check your service records for accuracy. Knowing the eOPF accurately reflects your postal, federal and military service can give you peace of mind when change takes place.
Check your eOPF by logging on to LiteBlue from your home computer — you can’t access eOPF from a postal workstation. Choosing “eOPF” from the Employee Apps – Quick Links section at the center of the LiteBlue home page will take you to the eOPF website.
Frequently Asked Questions about eOPF are available in the headings at the top of the page. After logging in using your Employee ID and USPS PIN, you’ll see a column labeled “Form ID,” a description of each form or document in the eOPF, and an effective date. You can then view and print out each document in the eOPF.
It’s recommended that you review your federal and military service and check if it’s correct. You also can check your Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Designation of Beneficiary and any other Designation of Beneficiary forms on file and make corrections if warranted. Beneficiary Forms are available on LiteBlue if you need to designate a beneficiary or make changes in current designations.
You can contact the Human Resources Shared Service Center at 877-477-3273, Option 5 (TDD/TYY: 866-260-7507) from 7:00 am to 8:30 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. For technical assistance, call the IT Help Desk at 800-877-7435.
March is Women's History Month

Who Ya Gonna Call? 1-888-363-7462

There are many types of emergencies. But there’s only one source of information on work schedule and reporting time changes, facility openings and closings, and other workplace announcements due to an emergency situation. To check your work schedule and/or status of your facility in an emergency situation (including before, during, and after a tropical storm or a hurricane):
USPS National Employee Emergency Hotline at 888-363-7462
ONLY in case of a natural disaster requiring you to leave your home, city, or state … report your location, physical condition, and contact information to:
USPS Emergency Notification Line at 866-666-5349
Please DO NOT call this number for information on your work schedule/facility status.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Preparing for Change: eCareer Workshops
Currently, the Postal Service is creating a new structure being referred to as “Organizational Redesign,” to meet the future needs of our employees, our customers, and the mailing industry. What does this mean to your future?
Organizational Redesign has the potential to effect large numbers of EAS employees in our district and across the nation. How can you best prepare? Attend an eCareer workshop to learn how to prepare your eCareer Profile. These workshops will be invaluable, should you find yourself needing to compete for a vacant EAS position. Here’s a list of upcoming off-the-clock eCareer workshops:
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 5 pm and 8 pm
Miami P&DC Human Resources Conference Room
2200 NW 72 Ave, Miami
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 5 pm and 8 pm
West Palm Beach P&DC, Room 139
3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach
South Florida P&DC, Room 699
16000 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines
Fort Lauderdale P&DC, Room 110
1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
Preparing for Change: VERA Rules of the Road
A “voluntary early retirement authority” (VERA) temporarily lowers age and service requirements for retirement. It’s an administrative tool that the Postal Service has used in the past as part of an overall redesign or restructuring.
The Postal Service must request approval for a VERA from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before making an offer of early retirement to its employees. OPM approval also will include a period of time during which the option will remain available.
Employees covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or the Federal Employee Retirement System are eligible for voluntary early retirement if they are at least 50 years of age with 20 years or more of service, or any age with at least 25 years of service. A minimum of five years must be creditable civilian — not military — service. Employees may use their time in the military to meet the balance of service required for eligibility.
CSRS employees must have been employed under CSRS for at least one of the last two years, but the service need not be continuous. Eligibility criteria for all employees must be met by the VERA retirement effective date.
If the Postal Service announces a voluntary early retirement (VER), and if your position is covered in the group receiving the offer and you meet eligibility requirements, a VERA Offer Letter and Annuity Estimate will be mailed to your address of record. To receive notifications in a timely fashion, make sure that the Postal Service has your current mailing address on file. You can change or update your address by clicking on “Change of Address” in the Employee Apps - Quick Links section at the center of the LiteBlue home page.
VERA-eligible employees who decide to accept an early retirement offer can apply by completing and submitting the required documents by the deadline specified in the Offer Letter. Eligible employees who decide not to accept the offer don’t have to do anything.
Spring Forward One Hour on Sun, March 13
One of the biggest reasons we change our clocks to Daylight Saving Time (DST) is that it reportedly saves electricity. In general, energy use and the demand for electricity for lighting our homes is directly connected to when we go to bed and when we get up. Bedtime for most of us is late evening through the year. When we go to bed, we turn off the lights and TV.
In the average home, 25 percent of all the electricity we use is for lighting and small appliances, such as TVs, VCRs, DVD players, and stereos. A good percentage of energy consumed by lighting and appliances occurs in the evening when families are home. By moving the clock ahead one hour, we can cut the amount of electricity we consume each day.
Daylight Saving Time "makes" the sun "set" one hour later and therefore reduces the period between sunset and bedtime by one hour. This means that less electricity would be used for lighting and appliances late in the day. We may use a bit more electricity in the morning because it is darker when we rise, but that usually is offset by the energy savings in the evening.
We also use less electricity because we are home fewer hours during the "longer" days of spring and summer. Most people plan outdoor activities in the extra daylight hours. When we are not at home, there’s no one to turn on the appliances and lights. While the amounts of electricity saved per household are small ... added up they can be very large.In the winter, the afternoon Daylight Saving Time advantage is offset by the morning's need for more lighting. In spring and fall, the advantage is less than one hour. So, Daylight Saving Time saves energy for lighting in all seasons of the year except for the four darkest months of the year (November, December, January and February) when the afternoon advantage is offset by the need for lighting because of late sunrise.
In 2011, we’ll “fall back” by one hour on Sunday, November 6.
Miami-Dade PCC Tours FSS at SFL&DC
Automation revolutionized the way the Postal Service processed letter mail. Delivery Point Sequencing took it one step further — placing letter mail in the order of delivery. That same kind of technology is being applied to processing flats — large envelopes, magazines, catalogs and circulars.
Recently, Miami-Dade County PCC members toured FSS operations at the South Florida L&DC in Opa-locka.
The FSS Program allows the Postal Service to utilize sophisticated equipment to sort flat mail for letter carriers, who currently must manually sequence this mail before leaving the office on their routes. Using technology to sort flat mail into the order of delivery for letter carriers increases efficiency in the office and allow carriers to begin delivering to their customers earlier in the day.
The FSS is a self-contained, integrated system comprised of several components, including automatic high-speed feeders, a dolly induction system, carousel sorter tray stating, integrated tray converters, and a stand-alone mail prep subsystem. At the end of the first sortation, an automatic sweep occurs where all trays are returned to the feed area in correct order for the second sortation. At the end of the processing run, mail automatically is swept, placed into street trays and onto mail transport equipment for dispatch.
It takes a team of eight mail handlers and two clerks to operate one FSS machine. Two clerks feed the machine, one mail handler “grooms” the mail from first to second pass, another mail handler loads and unloads dollies of prepped flats into FSS, and six mail handlers prep flats into dollies for induction into FSS.
Scout's Honor is Barefoot Mailman Hike
Special Delivery

"It's like this, Lola ... The Postal Service is at a tipping point due to the combined effects of the economic recession, increased use of electronic communications, and its obligations to prepay Retiree Health Benefits. Always dedicated to providing reliable, affordable, high-quality universal service, the Postal Service has developed and begun implementing a range of cost-reducing and revenue-generating initiatives. But these aren’t enough to close the financial gap between revenue and costs. For the American public to continue receiving affordable universal postal services from a self-sufficient Postal Service, these issues need to be addressed quickly and comprehensively with legal and regulatory action. Do you understand that, Lola?"
NCPW: A United Front Against Fraud

National Consumer Protection Week kicked off in the lobby of the South Florida Retail Unit in Pembroke Pines earlier this week.
South Florida District Manager Jeffrey A. Becker gave opening remarks. Commander Michael J. Calderin of the Broward Sheriff's Office, Bertha Mitrani, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Florida, and Jeffrey Kay, Department Chief, U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Florida, were guest speakers.
"My phone rings daily, off the hook," said Kay. "South Florida is one of the leading fraud areas in the country, and is home for every conceivable kind of fraud imaginable."
At the crime prevention event, a united front against fraud was presented by Broward Sheriff's Office, Cintas (free document shredding), Florida Office of Financial Regulation, Fort Lauderdale Police Department, Miami-Dade Police Department, Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office, U.S. Department of Justice, and U.S. Secret Service. These agencies distributed free information on identity theft and fraudulent scheme prevention.
Discount Dining Now Through March 14
Why cook when you can afford to eat out? Become a discount diner! Get out of the kitchen (unless that's where you keep your computer!) and check out how you can get up to an 80% discount at many eateries. Go to to review the fine dining establishments --- many offering a $25 certificate for just $2! Remember to type "SAVE" in the checkout promo code and hit "APPLY" to get the 80% discount.
Want to save some bucks on your next vacation? Plan ahead and purchase your restaurant certificates before your car leaves the driveway!
Contributor: Mary Jane LaCentra
The Force is Still with Us!

Four years ago, the Postal Service launched an out-of-the-world promotion.
In collaboration with Lucas Films, the Postal Service promoted stamps commemorating the 30th anniversary of “Star Wars” by transforming 400 collection boxes into R2-D2 look-alikes — one of the film’s most beloved characters.
The R2-D2 boxes replaced high-volume mailboxes in 200 cities nationwide on March 16, 2007.
People were excited to see the hard-working droid accept customers’ mail just like any other collection box, if only until April of 2007, when, the Postal Service began removing the collection boxes. But R2-D2’s service was far from over.The Postal Service donated the boxes to the military. Now, the R2-D2 look-alikes are collecting mail from troops deployed around the world, from the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, Japan, to Mildenhall Air Base, England, to locations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
“They will stand guard in front of Post Offices and base exchanges, collecting mail and hopefully bringing a smile to our troops who are far away from home and serving their country,” said Lt. Col. Gordon Geison, commander of the Joint Military Postal Activity Pacific in 2007.
Excluding military bases, only a few of the boxes remained in the U.S. and none are allowed to be displayed outdoors with one exception — Roswell, NM — a town famous for its extraterrestrial connections.
“The box is located in front of the Roswell Convention and Civic Center, said Renee Roach, Roswell marketing director. “We absolutely love it.”
Another R2-D2 box is located in the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC. This box includes a plaque bearing the USPS and “Star Wars” logos and is signed by former PMG Jack Potter and George Lucas, the only box with the Star Wars director’s autograph.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Avoid Fraud, Protect ID, Shred Documents

Monday, March 7, 10 am – 2 pm, South Florida Retail Unit Lobby, 16000 Pines Blvd in Pembroke Pines
The official program will kick off at 10 am with opening remarks from Jeffrey A. Becker, South Florida District Manager, U.S. Postal Service, and then remarks from Tony Gomez, Assistant Inspector-In-Charge, U.S. Postal Inspection Service - Miami Division. Other event participants:
Commander Michael J. Calderin, Broward Sheriff's Office
Jeffrey Kay, Deputy Chief, U.S. Attorneys' Office, Southern District of Florida
Bertha Mitrani, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorneys’ Office, Southern District of Florida
Mike Galvin, Vice President, Public Relations, Better Business Bureau of Southeast Florida and the Caribbean
Cintas (free document shredding)
Florida Office of Financial Regulation
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
Miami-Dade Police Department
Miami-Dade State Attorneys’ Office
U.S. Postal Inspection Service - Miami Division
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Secret ServiceWilton Manors Police Department
Event participants will distribute consumer protection literature and talk to customers who visit their display tables from 10 am to 2 pm.
During National Consumer Protection Week, representatives from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the U.S. Postal Service will distribute informational literature at several South Florida locations:
10 am – 1 pm, Olympia Heights Post Office, 3801 SW 117 Ave, Miami
11 am – 2 pm, Jupiter Post Office, 1095 Military Trail, Jupiter
1 pm – 4 pm, Pompano Beach Main Office, 2351 W Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach
10 am – 1 pm, Promenade Post Office, 3690 W 18 Ave, Hialeah
11 am – 2 pm, Fort Pierce Post Office, 5000 W Midway Road, Fort Pierce
12 Noon – 3 pm, West Palm Beach Main Office, 3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach
10 am – 1 pm, Fort Lauderdale Main Office, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale
11 am – 2 pm, Jog Road Post Office, 6400 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach
12 Noon – 3 pm, Hollywood Post Office, 1801 Polk Street, Hollywood
(Note: Employees are reminded that all NCPW events are off-the-clock activities.)
USPS vs. SSA on Miami HEAT Court April 10
It's official! South Florida's top CFC performers --- the U.S. Postal Service and the Social Security Administration --- will compete in a mini-basketball game prior to the Miami HEAT vs. Boston Celtics game on Sunday, April 10! Tip off is at 3 pm at the American Airlines Arena at 601 Biscayne Blvd in Miami.
The game clock is ticking ... and so are the limited seats available. Tickets for the 300 level are going fast at $65 each! Visit the FEB website at or Ticketmaster at
Special offer code is: sffeb
So jump on this opportunity and draft your co-workers, family, and friends to watch our players dribble, pass, and drive to the basket. It will be a slam dunk with your support!
And then watch the HEAT vs. Celtics game. Tip off at 3:30 pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Damaris Agrait, Manager, Learning Development and Diversity, at 305-470-0881.
(Watch this blog and look for Newsbreaks on the USPS basketball team.)
Latin Music Legends Debut March 16

Texas-born Selena Quintanilla-Perez (1971-1995) --- known to fans simply as Selena --- helped transform and popularize Tejano music by integrating techno-hip-hop beats and disco-influenced dance movements with a captivating stage presence. A Grammy recipient, the “Queen of Tejano” broke gender barriers with record sales and awards. Even after her tragic death, Selena remains an important representative of Latino culture.
A superb and evocative singer, Carlos Gardel (1890-1935) was one of the most celebrated tango artists of all time. Raised in Argentina, Gardel helped popularize the tango in the United States, Europe, and throughout Latin America through his performances and recordings. “The man with the tear in his voice” also achieved fame as one of the stars of the Spanish-language cinema.
Born in Portugal and raised in Brazil, Carmen Miranda (1909-1955) achieved fame as a samba singer before moving to New York City, where she gained instant celebrity in theater, film, and radio. The “Brazilian Bombshell” appeared in 14 Hollywood musicals and recorded more than 300 songs. Her exotic signature outfit and persona are an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
Born in New York City to Puerto Rican parents, Tito Puente (1923-2000) was a musical virtuoso popularly known as El Rey, “The King.” With dynamic solos on the timbales and orchestral arrangements that have become classics in Latin music, Puente helped bring Afro-Cuban and Caribbean sounds to mainstream audiences. He performed for more than 60 years, and his legacy includes more than 140 albums.
A dazzling performer of many genres of Afro-Caribbean music, Celia Cruz (1925-2003) had a powerful contralto voice and a joyful, charismatic personality that endeared her to fans from different nationalities and across generations. Settling in the United States following the Cuban revolution, the “Queen of Salsa” performed for more than five decades and recorded more than 50 albums.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
District Wins CFC's 'Stanley Cup'

BELLE GLADE: Sebrina Montgomery
BOCA RATON: Leslie Baez, Annmaria Bordis, John Newton, Evelyn Price, Anthony Quintiliani, William Schopmann, James West
BOYNTON BEACH: Frances Ewing, Robert Faske, Julio More, Marianne Morrison
DEERFIELD: Bruce Clark, Sandra Garris
DELRAY BEACH: Deanna Ciaccio, Patricia Cusick, Michael Goulet-Dion, Janet Serrano
FLORIDA KEYS: Omayra Bruein, Kelly Fureby, Bill Heller
FORT LAUDERDALE CUSTOMER SERVICE: Sandra Darling Holt, Richard Dixon, Lauren Hunt, Tom Lopresti, Michael Pedro, Denise Rusello, Emilia Santos, Chandra Shields, Walter Solorzano, Ruth Soriano, Sharon Stroh, Sharon Timmerman, Carolyn Wallace, Eldon Weaver, DJ Williams, Leona Yerks
FORT LAUDERDALE P&DC: Naomi Jackson, Priscilla Thomas
FORT PIERCE: James Osborne, Anne Marie Tighe
HALLANDALE: Debrann Tinder
HIALEAH: Morris Atkins, Henry Barreras, Julio Diez, Daisy Martin, Elena Martinez, Cynthia McAllister, Larry McCall, Jaime Perez, Arthur Sorey, Sr.
HOBE SOUND: Franklin Meyer
HOLLYWOOD: Tiffany Bennett, Michelle Gipson, Monica Gough, Cathy Griglen-Johnson, Mary Lopez, Dexter Mattear, Sandra Munoz, Tom Piro, Lloyd Shakes, Felecia Thomas
HOMESTEAD: Gilbert Betancourt, Rudy Lopez
JUPITER: Reni Echemendia, Julie Percival
LAKE WORTH: Don Brooks, David Huggins, Raeko Ilimaleota, Erik Mooney
LOXAHATCHEE: Linda Nixon-Waszak
MIAMI BEACH: Terry Boland, Yvette Brown, Tiffany Chestnut-Moss, Yolemmy Protzman
MIAMI CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ernesto Aguado, Minervino Arguelles, Gino Armand, Cal Collins, Robert Cuba, Ernie Diaz, Ceasar Duran, Ivan Figueroa, Charles Foreman, Luther Frank, Fidel Garcia, Juan Garcia, Luis Garcia, Marta Gallego, Isidor Gomez, Willie Harrell, Steve Hernandez, John Herold, Servando Iglesias, Teresa Jones, Vincent Kinloch, Ernest Knight, Maria Masson, Rick Miller, Francisco Miralles, Lino Miranda, Beverly Morris, Mary Mountain, Michael Murray, Jose Perez, Zygmunt Piotrkiewicz, Chris Powers, Dusty Rhodes, Patricia Rodoson, Aretha Sales, Dominique Simmons, Lacandice Simmons, Michael Santiago, Jeannette Triana, Marshall Townsend, Rashaunda Ware, Zelda Williams
MIAMI ISC: Mary Caldwell, Donna Demirgian, Willow Perkins
MIAMI P&DC: Louise Capone, Karrlyn Dailey, Pat Nolan, Clara Perez
OPA LOCKA/CAROL CITY: Marilyn Bell-Barnes, Fredericka Larkin-Johnson, Gloria Murray, Marilyn Ray
PALM BEACH MAIN: Patricia Hodge
PALM CITY: Neha Patel
POMPANO: Delores Brown, Donna Danz, Alan Fried, Jackie Jackson, Jim Johnson, Ira Landau,
Anthony Williams
PORT SAINT LUCIE: Charles Buchanan, Phyllis Marino, Elizabeth Zarder
SOUTH FLORIDA L&DC: Ivonne Livingston, Starr Riegler, Wanda Robinson
SOUTH FLORIDA P&DC: Wanda Harris, Kimberly Turner, Susan Viveiros
STUART: Bonnie Adams, Mary Sue Kelley
WEST PALM BEACH CUSTOMER SERVICE: John Booth, Pat Brady, Delores Brown, Carolyn Gilbert, Raven Guest, Starr Hunter, Tim Milton, Elizabeth Padilla-Crummel, Carlos Rodriguez, Sandra Shoemaker, Denise Tims, Stacie Vaughn, Fred Young
WEST PALM BEACH P&DC: Jorge Bacca, Mary Elaine Gussie, Joan Harrigan, Hobart Hill, Gail Kossie, Steffick Murrell-Barclay, Lovenia Tibby, Minnie Young
March Highlights in US Women's History Month

March 1, 1987 - A Congressional resolution designating March as Women's History Month is passed
March 4, 1917 - Jeannette Rankin (R-MT) took her seat as the first female member of Congress
March 11, 1993 - Janet Reno is confirmed as the first woman U.S. Attorney General
March 12, 1912 - Juliette Gordon Low assembled 18 girls together in Savannah , Georgia for the first-ever Girl Scout meeting
March 13, 1986 - Susan Butcher won the first of 3 straight and 4 total Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Races in Alaska
March 17, 1910 - Camp Fire Girls is established as the first American interracial, non-sectarian organization for girls
March 20, 1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is published and becomes the best-selling book of the 19 th century
March 21, 1986 - Debi Thomas becomes first African American woman to win the World Figure Skating Championship
March 23, 1917 - Virginia Woolf establishes the Hogarth Press with her husband, Leonard Woolf
March 31, 1888 - The National Council of Women of the U.S. is organized by Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Julia Ward Howe, and Sojourner Truth, among others; it is the oldest non-sectarian women's organization in U.S.
March 31, 1776 - Abigail Adams writes to her husband John who is helping to frame the Declaration of Independence: "Remember the ladies..."
March Birthdays
March 3, 1962 - Jackie Joyner-Kersee, considered the world's greatest female athlete; holds the record in the long jump (1988) and the heptathlon (1986); winner of 3 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze medals in 4 Olympic games
March 5, 1931 - Geraldyn (Jerrie) Cobb, record-setting aviator; first woman to pass qualifying exams for astronaut training, in 1959, but not allowed to train because of her gender
March 7, 1938 - Janet Guthrie, pioneering woman auto racer; first woman to compete in Indianapolis 500 (1977) and Daytona 500 (1977)
March 9, 1928 (1987) - Graciela Olivarez, Chicana activist; first woman and Latina law graduate from Notre Dame Law School; one of first two women on the board of Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF)
March 15, 1933 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, second female U.S. Supreme Court justice (1993)
March 18, 1964 - Bonnie Blair, speed skater; one of the most successful Winter Olympian in U.S. history and 5 time gold medalist
March 23, 1857 (1915) - Fannie Farmer, authored famous cookbook, "The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook", and included specific ingredient measurements for the first time which would become standardized cooking measurements
March 23, 1924 (1980) - Bette Nesmith Graham, invented Liquid Paper correction fluid which became an office staple; created 2 foundations to support women's business and art
March 24, 1826 (1898) - Matilda Joslyn Gage, suffragist, women's rights and Native American rights activist, historian, founding member of the National Woman Suffrage Association
March 24, 1912 (2010) - Dorothy Height, served over 40 years as President of the National Council of Negro Women
March 25, 1934 - Gloria Steinem, women's rights activist and journalist; founding editor of Ms. Magazine; helped found National Women's Political Caucus, the Women's Action Alliance, and the Coalition of Labor Union Women
March 26, 1930 - Sandra Day O'Connor, first woman U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1981)
March 27, 1924 (1990) - Sarah Vaughan, world renown jazz singer and pianist known as the "Divine One"
March 31, 1889 (1975) - Muriel Wright, Choctaw Indian, teacher, historian, author, and editor
Contributors: Patrick R. Cowley and JoAnn Goodrich