Tuesday, April 23, 2013

PMG Presses for Legislative Action

PMG video 
In his latest state of the business video, PMG Pat Donahoe discusses the Postal Service’s plans to continue working with Congress to pass legislation to help USPS return to financial stability.
The PMG begins by noting the continuing resolution passed by Congress that mandates continued Saturday mail delivery. The Postal Service had hoped to institute a 6-day package, 5-day mail delivery schedule.
Donahoe says he’s optimistic that Congress will allow USPS to put a new schedule in place this year. He points to overwhelming public support for the new schedule, along with President Obama’s budget plan that supports 5-day mail delivery. “We can’t continue to deliver mail on Saturdays with the volume losses we’re seeing,” says Donahoe.
Changing to a 6-day package and 5-day mail delivery schedule would save the Postal Service $2 billion annually.
The PMG also says USPS will continue working with Congress for comprehensive legislative reform to give the Postal Service the ability it needs to adapt to market forces.
“We would be profitable today if we had the flexibility to solve our financial problems,” says Donahoe.
The PMG closes the video by noting how USPS continues to look for ways to reduce costs and raise revenues. He also thanks employees for their continuing hard work.

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