Monday, March 2, 2015

It's 'Lights, Camera, Action!' Commercial Deadline is March 3

 Lights, camera, action!
All South Florida employees are invited to audition for a television commercial that will debut in the spring. No prior acting experience is required.The new commercial will show employees touting the Postal Service’s advancements while acknowledging that more work remains. It will be the latest ad to feature employees.
To apply, follow these steps:
1. Create a video and state your name, your location, your favorite on-the-job story, and your best  personal quality.
2. Visit the casting call site (link below) to upload your video and complete an online form at
3. Select “Submit” to ensure your video is sent.
Submissions are due no later than Tuesday, March 3, at 5 p.m. EST.

The commercial will be filmed in late March. All applicants must receive approval from their manager before selection and production begins.

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