Monday, August 29, 2016

Delivering the Brand in WPB

West Palm Beach A/Manager, Customer Service Operations (MCSO) Andy Moir (standing) addresses craft employees during a Deliver the Brand training session at the West Palm Beach Processing and Distribution Center. Photo: West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator Curlita Rogers-Saunders

West Palm Beach A/Manager, Customer Service Operations (MCSO) Andy Moir addresses craft employees during a Deliver the Brand training session at the West Palm Beach Processing and Distribution Center. 
Moir’s message to the employees was simple: “Always provide a positive experience for your customer.”
Moir focused on the retail customer experience and stressed on turning a negative experience into a positive one with a simple apology, smile, and a thank you to the customer. 
“We represent an iconic brand, and we depend on each and every one of you on a daily basis to deliver our brand,” Moir said.

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