Monday, September 26, 2016

North Miami Carrier Attains 50 Years

South Florida District Manager Jeffery Taylor, NALC Branch 1071 President Mike Gil, North Miami Branch Letter Carrier/NALC Shop Steward Darrin Taylor, North Miami Branch Letter Carrier Lewis Bradshaw, North Miami Branch Manager, Customer Services Brian Goldstein, and Miami Postmaster Enrique Suarez celebrated Bradshaw’s 50 years of service. Photo: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte
On August 25, Miami Postmaster Enrique Suarez, presented North Miami Branch Letter Carrier Lewis  Bradshaw with his 50-year Service Award and Pin. Postmaster General/CEO Megan Brennan signed the award certificate. Miami Customer Service presented Bradshaw with a small token of appreciation for his dedication to the Postal Service throughout the years.

On August 24, Bradshaw was inducted into the National Safety Council's Million Mile Safe Driver Club. He was recognized for having driven more than  30 years without incurring a preventable motor vehicle accident. Suarez congratulated and thanked Bradshaw on maintaining a safe driving records for so many years.

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