Thursday, December 8, 2016

Wonder Woman Stamps at Comic Con

In 1941, when Wonder Woman debuted in issue Number 8 of All Star Comics, America was a much different place — especially for women.

There was no Equal Pay Act, no true recourse for gender discrimination in the workplace, education or athletics. And it would take another three decades before the country would have its first female CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Fast-forward 75 years.

Today, women earn 57 percent of all Bachelor’s degrees, 60 percent of all Master’s degrees, and 52 percent of all Doctorate degrees. Nearly four out of 10 married women earn more than their husbands, and more and more women have made historic inroads into senior management at Fortune 500.

On December 9 at 1:30 p.m., Fort Lauderdale Postmaster David Guiney and Miami Postmaster Enrique Suarez will dedicate an enlargement of the Wonder Woman stamps at Paradise City Comic Con at the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center, 1950 Eisenhower Blvd.

What is a Comic Con?

A Comic Con is a festival that celebrates superheroes, anime, fantasy, science fiction, video games, pop culture, and more. Lots of people dress up as their favorite characters, and people come from all over to see and be seen.
Paradise City Comic Con is South Florida’s second largest con with over 20,000 attendees at its last event. Paradise City Comic Con 2016 will be held December 9, 10, and 11. For more information, including cost, visit

Employees are reminded that their attendance is an off-the-clock activity.

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