Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Who's Your Most Valuable Player?

USPS is encouraging bargaining unit employees to nominate their peers for recognition through the new Engagement Most Valuable Player Program.

Do you know a co-worker who is always positive, enthusiastic and passionate about their work?
If so, USPS encourages you to nominate these individuals for a new recognition program: Engagement Most Valuable Player (EMVP).
“The Postal Service wants to recognize employees who are making positive contributions to their workplaces,” said Employee Engagement Executive Director Kelvin Williams. “Through this peer-to-peer program, we want to honor bargaining unit employees who consistently perform with high levels of energy and exhibit contagious smiles that reflect their upbeat, positive attitudes.”
The EMVP program is part of the Postal Service’s overall efforts to emphasize the value of engagement — including fostering employee enthusiasm, involvement and commitment — and its benefits to the organization.
Employees who are honored through the EMVP program will receive a certificate of appreciation, recognition in the Engage Weekly newsletter and opportunities to participate in engagement events.
You can nominate a bargaining unit employee in your work group for the program by completing a nomination form on LiteBlue. Nominations will be reviewed by local managers, who will provide concurrence on the final selections.
The Employee Engagement LiteBlue page has more information about engagement programs.
Source: LINK

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