Friday, August 18, 2017

Kendall SSA Shows Appreciation

Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez recognizes Sales and Services Associates with the Gold Star Award and a gift certificate to thank them for a perfect Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transaction.
Kendall Finance Unit Sales and Services Associate Karen Schultz (above) was recognized for her perfect RCE and was grateful of Suarez’ actions.

“I was just doing what I love to do which is taking care of our customers,” said Schultz. “I don’t feel we should be recognized for doing our job.”
Suarez understands it is part of their responsibilities, but also realizes not everyone has the great demeanor Schultz has with her customers.

Schultz appreciated the Postmaster’s gesture and later wrote an email to Miami Customer Relations Coordinator, Mirtha Uriarte:

“I really appreciated the gift card from the Postmaster, it gave me a great idea I wanted to share with you.  I went to Publix and spent the gift card, adding a little extra money, to buy several items, especially buy-one-get-one (BOGO) deals to donate to the food pantry at my church. They offer the food first to members (we have a lot of single moms with unresponsive dads) and then to anyone else in community who needs the help. So, thanks to the Postmaster, I was able to help some people in need.  That, to me, is a great reward for just doing my job!”

Photo: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte

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