Saturday, August 26, 2017

Miami SSAs Achieve Gold Status

Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez thanked the below employees who provided outstanding service to their customers and earned a Gold Star Award for a perfect Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transaction. 

“The Gold Star Award is a small token of appreciation to demonstrate that your achievements do not go unnoticed,” said Suarez. “Thank you for all the excellent customer service you provide.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch Sales and Services Associate Cassandra Frazier
Olympia Heights Branch Sales and Services Associate Olivia Senior 
Town and Country Postal Store Sales and Services Associate Jerry Galindo
Miami Customer Services also would like to congratulate Avenue of the Americas Postal Store Sales and Services Associate Laura Mallin who was not available for a photo opportunity.
Additional Gold Star Award recipients will be posted next week.
Photos: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte

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