Sunday, September 1, 2019

Driving Tips for Windy Conditions

Gusty wind can be one of the trickier driving situations to deal with, especially with erratic gusts that rapidly change direction and intensity. Since the carrier can't see these as they come, it's only possible to react after they've already affected the Long Life Vehicle's (LLV’s) behavior.

The main goal when driving in heavy wind is to keep the LLV as stable as possible (a goal in all driving situations, of course).

Strong headwinds mostly just require corrective action with the gas pedal. The main thing here is to maintain a close awareness of the LLV’s speed, and feed extra pulses of gas to counteract the wind gust pulses as precisely as possible. The faster you react to the gusts, the easier it is to maintain stability.
It's much harder to speed back up into a head wind once the LLV has slowed down to any degree.

Tailwinds are similar to head winds, in that they are primarily compensated for with the gas pedal. The main thing to keep in mind with these is that tail winds can significantly increase a LLV's stopping distance.

Crosswinds are the trickiest to deal with. Any side force (wind) on the LLV has to be counteracted with steering if the LLV is to continue to go in a straight line.

One factor to consider is speed. Slowing down reduces the reaction forces necessary to counteract the wind. This is especially important in cold weather where the wind could also be producing slippery spots on the road. Good judgment is needed to determine how fast is safe.

Some side gust situations CAN be predicted: driving under an overpass, passing a truck, coming past the edge of a mountain wall, etc. Use whatever you can predict to your advantage.

When you're out in the open and the wind is simply erratic, it's necessary to react to gusts as you feel them. This can be very tiring and laborious if you just try to fight with the steering wheel as you feel the car being pushed out of the lane.

One important thing is to keep your eyes focused way down the road to where you want to wind up, instead of focusing on the lane markings right in front of the LLV (always a good practice anyway). This provides a much more stable and relaxed reference, as well providing as much advanced notice as possible for upcoming situations.

Here's a useful trick for steering technique in strong gusting side winds:

Position your hands on the steering wheel at either the 10 and 2 o'clock or the 9 and 3 o'clock positions. Rise up your elbows so that your forearms are diagonal at about 45 degrees. Let the weight of your arms hang down on the steering wheel. Keep your arm muscles as relaxed as possible.

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