Monday, November 18, 2019

Haverhill Branch Reels in Revenue

Pictured from left, Manager, Customer Service Operations Andy Moir; Lead Sales and Services Associate Ann Milton; Supervisor, Customer Services Cheryl Granville; Sales and Services Associate Patricia Campbell; and Supervisor, Customer Services Ali Farzan. Not Pictured: Sales and Services Associate Keshia Ray. Photo: West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator Gayle Jones

The West Palm Beach, FL, Haverhill Branch recognize their top seller for Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp sales. Haverhill Branch placed sixth in the district.

Each top selling Sales and Services Associate received a Certificate of Excellence Award and a $ 25 gift certificate. A Certificate of Excellence Award was also given to the office in recognition of outstanding performance.
Sales and Services Associate Patricia Campbell came in first place in sales at the Haverhill Branch with $3, 015. Sales and Services Associate Keshia Ray finished in second place with $1,171.  Lead Sales and Services Associate Ann Milton captured third place with $1,098 in sales.

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