Top: Broward County Health Department mammovan stops at the Fort Lauderdale Main Post Office parking lot. Bottom: WTVJ Channel 6 videographer records the smiles of two of 14 Fort Lauderdale residents who had registered for a mammogram. Photos: Tashia Romano-Kravitz
October is "Breast Cancer Awareness" Month, but breast cancer prevention is a year-round activity.
With this in mind, on November 17, the Broward County Health Department mammovan pulled into the Fort Lauderdale Main Post Office parking lot as scheduled to offer free or low-cost mammograms to eligible women in the local community.
Fourteen women heard the good news on WIOD 610 AM Radio and WFOR Channel 4 (CBS) and took advantage of the opportunity. They began to line up in the parking lot at 8:30 am.
"Some of the women came up and hugged me ... they were so happy to get this very important health service at little or no cost to them," said Customer Relations Coordinator Tashia Romano-Kravitz, who organized this event.
Romano-Kravitz also promoted the Breast Cancer Research Semi-Postal Stamp to onsite media --- WTVJ Channel 6 (NBC), WSVN Channel 7 (FOX), and Telemundo Channel 51.
The 55-cent Breast Cancer Research semi-postal stamp covers the 44-cent single-piece, one-ounce First-Class letter rate and donates the additional 11 cents to breast cancer research. By law, 70 percent of the net amount raised goes to the National Institutes of Health and 30 percent goes to the Medical Research Program at the Department of Defense. Postal customers nationwide have purchased more than 800 million Breast Cancer Research semi-postal stamps --- raising $67.6 million for research --- since this first semi-postal stamp in history was issued in 1998.
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