"Chief" Ricardo (Rick) Amezquita
Will the South Florida District's very own Ricardo (Rick) Amezquita be accepting a "Tony" at Radio City Music Hall in the future?
In February, Miami's Maintenance Manager will play "Chief" in the play, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Set among the patients and workers in a mental institution, "Cuckoo's Nest" tells the story of an energetic con man who seeks institutionalization as a means of escaping the rigors of a prison farm work.
In the movie, patients and staff believe Chief to be deaf/hard of hearing. He is mostly ignored, but respected because of his size. Rick promises that the play will be different ... and he will have a lot to say in this starring role! Each scene will begin with a monologue where Chief speaks to his dead father.
But let's not give away this story ... "Chief" will make his acting debut February 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14 at Davie's Pine Island Multi-Purpose Center. Tickets will be $12 at the door and $10 in advance; $8 for groups of 10 or more. Friday and Saturday shows will begin at 8 pm and Sunday shows will begin at 2 pm. For more information, call the center at 954-327-3941 or write to actofdavie1999@yahoo.com.
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