If so, enter your pooch in the National Postal Museum’s Owney Look-Alike Contest — celebrating the Postal Service icon.
Owney gained worldwide fame in the 1890s for riding in railcars carrying the mail. After his death, he was put on display at the Postal Museum. This year, the museum unveiled a new exhibit on the Railway Mail Service featuring the beloved mutt, and USPS issued a commemorative postage stamp.
The Postal Museum and the Washington Humane Society are sponsoring the contest. To enter, photograph your dog doing its best Owney pose and write a paragraph about how it resembles Owney. Click here to submit your entry before the Sept. 15 deadline.
Prizes include a 16GB iPad2, the e-book, “Owney: Tails on the Rails,” an Owney plush toy, an autographed copy of the book, “A Lucky Dog: Owney U.S. Railway Mascot,” and an uncut press sheet of Owney’s stamp.
Photos of the grand prize winner and two runners-up will be displayed next to the real Owney in the Postal Museum for two weeks.
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