In a ceremony at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, the Postal Service dedicated its latest semipostal stamp. The new stamp, the fourth semipostal issued by USPS, is called “Save Vanishing Species” and is aimed at helping preserve endangered species — specifically, tigers, African and Asian elephants, rhinos, great apes and marine turtles.
Five million sheets of stamps will be made available initially and will be reprinted based on customer demand. The stamps sell for 55 cents each — 11 cents more than an individual First-Class Mail stamp —and $11 per sheet of 20.
At an event held at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, USPS Vice President, Channel Access Kelly Sigmon was joined by Teiko Saito, assistant director, International Affairs, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Joshua Ginsberg, senior vice president, Conservation Operations, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Ginette Hemley, senior vice president, Conservation Strategy & Sciences, World Wildlife Fund, and Dennis Kelly, director, Smithsonian National Zoo, to dedicate the new stamp and pay tribute to some of the world’s more prominent vanishing species.
The Multinational Species Coalition is an alliance of conservationists, zoos, veterinarians, animal welfare groups, circuses and sportsmen. The coalition was created to advocate for the Multinational Species Conservation Funds and is committed to bringing greater attention to this stamp and the funds it was designed to support. The funds will be divided among the African Elephant Conservation Fund, Asian Elephant Conservation Fund, Great Ape Conservation Fund, Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund and Marine Turtle Conservation Fund.
Net proceeds from sales of the “Save Vanishing Species” stamp will go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support the Multinational Species Conservation Funds.
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