Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Miami Celebrates Lunar New Year

Story & Photo:  Mirtha Uriarte

The Chinese Cultural Foundation, Inc. celebrated their 26th Annual Chinese New Year Festival on Sunday, February 16, at the Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus. 

An enlarged replica of the 2014 “Year of the Horse,”First-Class stamp was presented on behalf of Miami Postmaster Enrique M. Suarez by  Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte.  Uriarte presented to Peter Liu, Chinese Cultural Foundation President, the seventh stamp in the “Celebrating Lunar New Year” series during the opening ceremony.

According to Liu, the festival was originally founded by a group of about 200 Chinese Jamaicans who settled in the Kendall area. Today, it’s no longer just for the Asian populations in South Florida; last year, more than 6,000 people attended. This year’s attendance numbers have not been provided.

This event was visited by a large number of Asian community members, as well as others of numerous cultures that came to partake in the beautiful festivities, elaborate costumes,  shows, ethnic foods and much more. 

Lana Yin, Sales and Service Associate from Miami’s Ludlam Branch promoted the new stamps to generate close to $600 in three hours.  Yin interacted with numerous customers who also were of Chinese descent. 

“The Postal Service is able to interact with stamp collectors and regular customers as well during year-round events in our community,” said Uriarte.  “The events allows us to promote our products by presenting an enlarge replica of specific stamps as well as offering the product onsite for immediate return on investment.” 

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