Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Winter Flowers Bloom in Fort Laud

The Fort Lauderdale Post Office celebrated an unveiling and special commemoration of the Winter Flowers Forever Stamps at the American Stamp Dealers Association Stamp Show in the Broward County Convention Center.

Novices to philatelists from around the world attended this annual stamp event.  More than $1,700 in stamps and merchandise were sold at the retail booth.

Fort Lauderdale Postmaster Scott Bower and ASDA Executive Director Amy Nicklaus (pictured left), Supervisor Deborah Dhue, Sales and Service Associates Frank Dominguez and Sabria Palmer, Fort Lauderdale Customer Relations Coordinator Adrienne Savino and A/Marketing Manager Arlene Sanchez all participated in the success of this event.

Story & Photos:  Adrienne Savino
SSA Sabria Palmer shows Winter Flowers Forever stamps.

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