Friday, December 30, 2016

Oceanview CCA Praised for Heroism

A/Manager, Post Office Operations Carlos Rodon (left) and Manager, Human Resources Jann Miller (right) presented Oceanview Station City Carrier Assistant (CCA) Adam Butler (center) with a Certificate of Appreciation, a gift certificate and a framed stamp sheet of the Super Hero Forever stamps. 

Story & Photos: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte

Miami Beach City Carrier Assistant (CCA) Adam Butler was not expecting to be someone’s hero when he reported to work on November 29. 

Butler, who has been with the U.S. Postal Service a little over two years, was approaching his next stop on his route when he witnessed a male hitting a young woman and tearing her clothes. Butler did not think twice and intervened, diverting the male’s attention from the young woman. The male attacked Butler, throwing him into a thorny hedge.

A witness called 9-1-1 and immediately ran to aid both Butler and the young woman. The attacker heard emergency sirens and fled on foot, and later was apprehended two blocks from the scene.

The young woman was deaf and/or hard-of-hearing, and therefore, was not able to cry out for help. If not for Butler’s quick response, the situation could have escalated. Miami Beach Police Department credited Butler with possibly saving the woman’s life.
National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch 1071 President Mike Gill (left), Miami Beach, FL, Police Major Wayne Jones (second left) and Miami Beach, FL, Police Captain Paul Acosta (right) praised Oceanview Station City Carrier Assistant (CCA) Adam Butler for his heroic actions. Butler received a Medal of Honor from the City of Miami Beach, FL, in front of Miami Beach, FL, Officer In Charge Camille Moscolo-Calvo and Butler’s coworkers (not pictured). All enjoyed a breakfast in Butler’s honor.

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