Friday, December 30, 2016

Postmaster Rick and Saint Nick

Miami-Dade College North Campus President Dr. Malou C. Harrison (left) invited Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez (right) to participate in the annual holiday festivities. Suarez dedicated an enlargement of the Nativity Forever stamp to kick off the event. Photo: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte

Miami-Dade College North Campus gave a generous gift to the community, namely its annual winter wonderland, "Children’s Holiday at North," earlier in December.
The U.S. Postal Service kicked off the event. Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez dedicated an enlargement of the Nativity Forever stamp to Miami-Dade College North Campus President Dr. Malou C. Harrison in front of hundreds in the South Florida community.  

“The Postal Service was honored to be part of this holiday tradition at the college. Our stamp dedication honored one of the most symbolic images in the world --- one that Christians from all walks of life celebrate --- the story of the Nativity," said Suarez. "This beautiful stamp includes a brilliant star that stands out in both its illustration and in its meaning of Christmas.”
Suarez encouraged attendees to use the hashtag #NativityStamps for all social media photos of the dedication.

Miami Olympia Heights Branch Letter Carrier Edwin De Jesus (left) dressed as one of the Three Kings. Miami General Mail Facility (GMF) Postal Store Postal Support Employee (PSE) Kianna Lawrence (seated center) sold almost $200 in Nativity stamps. Photo: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte
Santa Claus (a.k.a. Saint Nicholas or Nick for short) arrived at the college to the delight of hundreds of children. Each child shared holiday wishes with the man whom all believed could make it all happen. Saint Nick messaged their wish lists to the North Pole Toy Distribution Center, and then fled the scene to play golf under sunny South Florida skies. Photo: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte 

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