Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez (center) provided a tour of the Miami P&DC to business customers who attended a Miami-Dade County PCC seminar on Direct Mail.
On March 15, the Miami-Dade County Postal Customer Council (MDCPCC) hosted an educational seminar, “Direct Mail 101," and a Miami Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) tour. It's a winning combination!
The MDCPCC used Direct Mail to invite customers who needed a refresher on the subject matter or who wanted to market their new businesses.
Miami Postmaster Enrique (Rick) Suarez opened the meeting, thanking sponsors Heavy Graphics Marketing, for designing the mailpiece that reached over 2,500 customers and Southeastern which printed the promotional flyer. It was a joint effort to help customers market their business and learn the value of the mail.
Suarez told the group "mail is not going away" as he passed around the Irresistible Mail booklet that promotes postal technology.
Following Suarez was Southeastern Domain Expert Cathy Brewer who presented the “Direct Mail 101" seminar. Smart Target Marketing Specialist Bud Henderson gave a presentation on mailing lists.
Miami P&DC Plant Manager Juan Gonzalez joined Suarez in narrating the tour.
“It’s a whole new world back here (referring to the processing plant),” stated one of the attendees.
Smart Target Marketing Mailing List Specialist Bud Henderson (center) stressed the importance of using an up-to-date mailing list at the seminar. He also shared information on his business and products and services available to save money and reduce waste for mailers.
Southeastern Domain Expert Cathy Brewer (center) conducted the Direct Mail 101 seminar at the PCC meeting.
Photos: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte