Saturday, August 19, 2017

Remembering Hurricane Andrew

Hurricane Andrew was not the deadliest tropical cyclone to strike the U.S. mainland, but the compact, fast-moving storm remains one of the strongest and costliest on record. This Category 5 storm slammed into South Florida --- with a direct hit on Homestead --- on August 24, 1992.

Hurricane Andrew’s legacy remains as the 25th anniversary approaches later this month. If you experienced Hurricane Andrew and want to share your story with the South Florida Postal Family, please contact Strategic Communications Specialist Debbie Fetterly at  or 954-527-2941. Your story (and photos) will be featured in the South Florida Postal Blog at

History has taught us that lack of awareness and preparation are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. While we cannot control Mother Nature, we can control how well we’re prepared to weather a hurricane or a tropical storm. Knowing our vulnerability and the actions to take can reduce the effects of a weather disaster. Our family’s safety and security depend on it.  Our customers also depend on us to restore service as quickly and as safely as possible. Sharing your Hurricane Andrew experience and lessons learned can help all of us better prepare for the wrath of Mother Nature.  

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