Monday, December 10, 2018

Visions of a 'Bite-Free' Peak Season

Peak Season is our busiest time of the year and we are reminded each day to pay attention to various hazards that lurk around us every day that could contribute to an accident or injury. One such hazard that deserves our attention is unrestrained dogs and the increased potential for dog bites. In fact, the Southern Area has incurred over 100 dog bites this peak season, which is a 9% increase over the same period last year. 

It’s very important to remember that dogs are capable of inflicting serious harm and employees must remain very attentive while delivering packages ---especially during the holiday season. Here are some tips to help employees stay safe:

· Treat every household as if a dog lives there (with out-of-town visitors and family gatherings, dogs can be visiting).

· Carriers should use Dog Warning Cards or MDD scanner messages to alert drivers who carry their routes.

· Always use a flat tub to carry mail to a customer’s door. The tub can be used as a protective barrier.

· Use satchel and dog spray to ward off an aggressive dog. Use repellent only when a dog attacks.

· For outward swinging doors, a carrier should position his or her foot by the door and be ready to stop a charging dog.

· Carry a flashlight if delivering after dark so you can see any dogs in the area.

· Whenever you approach a dog, do so slowly, and give the dog the chance to approach you.

· If a dog becomes aggressive, do not run away or scream. Stay calm, move slowly, and do not make eye contact with the dog.

By increasing your awareness of dog behavior and focusing extra attention on your surroundings, you can avoid being bitten by a dog. Your safety matters, so please follow these safety tips and have a safe and bite-free peak holiday season!

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