Friday, May 31, 2019
Kirkland is New Miami Postmaster
As Miami Postmaster, Kirkland oversees 30 stations and branches and 19 detached finance units, with approximately 2,400 employees. He has an operating budget of $230 million. Miami postal operations include 1,229 city routes and 38 rural routes, which delivered more than 803 million pieces of mail in Fiscal Year 2018. Miami Post Offices generated over $344 million in revenue in the last fiscal year.
Kirkland started his 34-year career as a Part Time Flexible Letter Carrier at the Carrier Annex in Gainesville, FL. He later worked as a Manager, Customer Services increasing responsibility in the Gainesville, FL area. In 2004, he was selected Postmaster, Saint Augustine, FL. During his career, he also was named Postmaster, Panama City, FL; Louisville, KY; and most recently, Sarasota, FL.
Kirkland twice held the position of Manager, Post Office Operations in the Gulf Atlantic District. Additionally, he was Acting Plant Manager, Manasota, FL Processing and Distribution Center.
A Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Certified Green Belt, he currently is a participant in the U.S. Postal Service Advanced Leadership Program (ALP).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Hurricane Season: Are You Ready?
As we approach the beginning of the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season
(June 1 – November 30), the South Florida District Emergency Management Team reminds
employees to add the National Employee Emergency Hotline --- 888-363-7462 --- to their cell
phone directory, if they have not already done so. This number also should be
on a yellow sticker on the back of your employee ID badge.
The National Employee Emergency Hotline (888-EMERGNC or 888-363-7462) is the official source of information for weather issues, work schedule changes, and facility status.
The National Employee Emergency Hotline (888-EMERGNC or 888-363-7462) is the official source of information for weather issues, work schedule changes, and facility status.

When calling the National Employee Emergency
Hotline, remember to enter the first three digits of the ZIP Code of your
workplace location. In addition, if you
evacuate and relocate due to an emergency, call the hotline number, and after
entering your facility ZIP Code, select “Option 5.” You will be routed to an
individual who can take your information and relay it to District and Area
leadership whose priorities are your safety and well-being.
If you use Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS), call a Florida TRS toll-free number, and the TRS operator will interact with the hotline application on your behalf. The simplest way to access the variety of Florida Relay services is to dial 7-1-1.
If you use Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS), call a Florida TRS toll-free number, and the TRS operator will interact with the hotline application on your behalf. The simplest way to access the variety of Florida Relay services is to dial 7-1-1.
South Florida District is #PostalProud
The South Florida District Leadership Team is #PostalProud!
Photo: Fort Lauderdale Customer Relations Coordinator Edwin Vivas
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Appreciating Military Sacrifices
May is Military Appreciation Month. Fort Lauderdale Main Office Carrier Annex employees posed for this designated Memorial Day photo to show their appreciation to military personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the United States of America. Photo: Fort Lauderdale Customer Relations Coordinator Edwin Vivas
USPS Honors George H.W. Bush
The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a Forever stamp honoring George Herbert Walker Bush, America’s 41st president, who died on November 30, 2018.
George Herbert Walker Bush (1924-2018), served as America's 41st president from 1989 to 1993. During his term in office, he guided the U.S. and its allies to a peaceful end of the Cold War, helped reunify Germany, and led a multinational coalition that successfully forced Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War.
The First-Day-Of-Issue event, free to public, will be at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center, Frymire Auditorium, in College Station, TX, on Wednesday, June 12.

On the domestic front, President Bush signed historic civil rights legislation to integrate Americans with disabilities more fully into society. His Clean Air Act tightened air pollution standards and dramatically reduced urban smog and acid rain. He also called and inspired millions of Americans to serve their communities with his vision of "a thousand points of light."
In addition to serving as vice president under President Reagan, Bush held a number of other senior leadership roles including Ambassador to the United Nations, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in China, and Director of Central Intelligence.
He was the first sitting vice presented elected president since Martin Van Buren in 1836, and one of only two presidents to have a son who also served as Commander-in-Chief.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Today is Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day, a federal holiday to remember the men and women who died while serving in the armed forces.
Facilities that are open on the holiday must fly the U.S. flag at half-staff. The POW-MIA flag must fly below the U.S. flag. Memorial Day is one of six dates of the yar
The U.S. flag must be flown at half-staff from sunrise — or the hour when it’s raised — until noon. Then, hoist the flag to the peak of the staff, where it either must fly until the time of closing or no later than sunset (unless the flag is lighted).
that fly the flag at all times and are closed Memorial Day should lower the
flag to half-staff when the facility closes prior to the holiday. Return the
flag to full staff when the facility opens Tuesday, May 28.
Memorial Day holds special significance for USPS, one of the nation’s largest civilian employers of military veterans. More than 100,000 employees have served on active duty or currently serve in the National Guard or Reserve components.
First widely celebrated each year on May 30, Memorial Day originally honored veterans who had died in the Civil War.
Congress designated the commemoration as a national holiday in 1887. After World War I, the day was expanded to honor service members who died in all American wars.
In 1968, Congress changed the observance of the holiday from May 30 to the last Monday in May.
Facilities that are open on the holiday must fly the U.S. flag at half-staff. The POW-MIA flag must fly below the U.S. flag. Memorial Day is one of six dates of the yar
The U.S. flag must be flown at half-staff from sunrise — or the hour when it’s raised — until noon. Then, hoist the flag to the peak of the staff, where it either must fly until the time of closing or no later than sunset (unless the flag is lighted).
Memorial Day holds special significance for USPS, one of the nation’s largest civilian employers of military veterans. More than 100,000 employees have served on active duty or currently serve in the National Guard or Reserve components.
First widely celebrated each year on May 30, Memorial Day originally honored veterans who had died in the Civil War.
Congress designated the commemoration as a national holiday in 1887. After World War I, the day was expanded to honor service members who died in all American wars.
In 1968, Congress changed the observance of the holiday from May 30 to the last Monday in May.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Celebrating the USS Missouri in June
The First-Day-Of-Issue dedication ceremony will take place Tuesday, June 11, at the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, HI. Dedicating officials will include USPS Acting Enterprise Analytics Vice President Jeffrey C. Johnson, USS Missouri Memorial Foundation President and CEO Mike Carr, Rear Admiral Brian P. Fort, U.S. Navy Region Hawaii Rear Admiral Samuel Cox, U.S. Navy (Retired), Director, Naval History and Heritage Command, Curator of the Navy.
The stamp art depicts Missouri from a low vantage point almost at sea level, cutting through the water at a moderate speed commensurate with entering or leaving port. Large and imposing in the frame, Missouri is shown in the disruptive camouflage she wore from her commissioning until a refit in early 1945. Clouds loom in the background, tinged with gold and rose from the sun’s rays.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How to Get to Sesame Street
On Saturday, June 22, the U.S. Postal Service will honor Sesame Street, the influential and beloved children's television show. For 50 years, the series has provided educational programming and entertainment for generations of children throughout the country and around the world.
The First-Day-Of-Issue will be held in conjunction with the Sesame Street Road Trip, a celebration of the show's golden anniversary that will be recognized in 10 cities across the United States. The stamp dedication will be at Lafayette Park in Detroit, MI.
The first Sesame Street episode aired on November 10, 1969. From the beginning, Sesame Street was like no other children's program. Human characters, often children themselves, interacted with the Muppets of Sesame Street.
Arranged in horizontal rows, the stamps showcase 16 Muppets characters that appear on Sesame Street: Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Rosita, The Count, Oscar the Grouch, Abby Cadabby, Herry Monster, Julia, Guy Smiley, Snuffleupagus, Elmo, Telly, Grover, and Zoe.
The First-Day-Of-Issue will be held in conjunction with the Sesame Street Road Trip, a celebration of the show's golden anniversary that will be recognized in 10 cities across the United States. The stamp dedication will be at Lafayette Park in Detroit, MI.
The first Sesame Street episode aired on November 10, 1969. From the beginning, Sesame Street was like no other children's program. Human characters, often children themselves, interacted with the Muppets of Sesame Street.
Arranged in horizontal rows, the stamps showcase 16 Muppets characters that appear on Sesame Street: Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Rosita, The Count, Oscar the Grouch, Abby Cadabby, Herry Monster, Julia, Guy Smiley, Snuffleupagus, Elmo, Telly, Grover, and Zoe.
Friday, May 24, 2019
It's Mailbox Improvement Week!
It’s Mailbox Improvement Week. (May 21-27). The Postal Service encourages homeowners to replace loose hinges on mailbox doors, repaint a mailbox that may have rusted or started to peel, remount a loosened mailbox post and replace or add house numbers. Help beautify your neighborhood!
Hialeah, Tavernier Plan Passport Fairs
Does your vacation destination require a passport? Take a trip to a South Florida Passport Fair:
Saturday, June 1, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hialeah Main Office, 325 E First Ave, Hialeah, FL
Saturday, June 15, 8:00a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tavernier Post Office, 91220 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, FL
Employee participation will be an off-the-clock activity.
U.S. citizens must present a valid Passport Book to enter or re-enter the United States by air. U.S. citizens entering the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land borders and seaports of entry must present a Passport Book, Passport Card or other travel documents approved by the U.S. government.
How to Prepare for the Passport Application Process:
· A completed application (form is available at; but do not sign it until the passport clerk instructs you to do so).
· Remember that everyone, including newborn infants, is required to obtain a passport in his or her own name. For children under age 16, the consent of both parents/ guardians is required.
· Proof of identity (a valid permanent state driver’s license, a government ID or military ID, previous passport, Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization Certificate)
· Proof of U.S. citizenship (previous passport, original or certified birth certificate issued from the state with a raised, embossed, impressed, or multi-colored seal and registrar’s signature and date of certificate filing)
· Two official passport photos (available at the Passport Fair for $15)
· Social Security Number
The U.S. Department of State fees vary according to age and type. The fee(s) must be made by money order, check, bank draft, or cashier’s check made payable to the U.S. Department of State; debit and credit card payment is not available. The Passport Book fee for under age 16 is $80; for age 16 and older is $110. The Passport Card fee for under age 16 is $15, and for age 16 and older is $30. In addition, all acceptance agencies, including the Postal Service, charge a processing fee of $35 per application. A debit or credit card may be used in addition to cash, money order, or check made payable to the Postal Service.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Glimmering in Gold
The U.S. Postal Service marks the 150th anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad with three distinct Forever stamps. On May 10, a First-Day-Of-Issue ceremony for the stamps was held at the Golden Spike National Historic Site at Promontory Summit, Utah.
President Abraham Lincoln promoted the railroad during the Civil War as a way of binding the nation. The Central Pacific Railroad Co. built the western portion of the railroad starting from Sacramento, CA. The Union Pacific Railroad Co. built the eastern section beginning from Omaha, NE. Both companies employed many workers at a time when roadbeds had to be dug and tunnels excavated without the benefit of machines.
A large workforce — primarily Chinese and Irish immigrants — carried out most of the backbreaking and often dangerous work that made the achievement possible. The workforce, totaling more than 20,000 at its peak, also included German and Italian immigrants and some African Americans. Thousands of Mormon workers helped make the final push across Utah.
The completed railroad covered nearly 1,800 miles and reduced travel time across the country, from as long as six months to about a week. By easing the movement of goods and people across the country, the transcontinental railroad made the American West an integral part of the nation.
Photographs of replicas of the two locomotives at the Golden Spike National Historic Site were used as visual references for the stamp artwork. Separate stamps feature the Jupiter and the No. 119 locomotives that powered the trains carrying the officers and guests of the two train companies to the Golden Spike ceremony. Centered between them, a third stamp portrays the famous golden spike that was a prominent part of the ceremony.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Doral Letter Carrier Rings School Bell
Looking in the Mirror in WPB
Safety Instructor (DSI) James Timmerman (far left) demonstrated the Mirror
Adjustment Station to West Palm Beach employees. Photo: West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator Gayle Jones
Flexible Fuel Vehicle
(FFV) and Long Life Vehicle (LLV) drivers look in the mirror for about five
minutes before leaving on their appointed rounds every day. They do so, not
because they are vain, but because they are safety-minded and want to prevent a
vehicular accident.
Recently, Mirror Adjustment Stations were installed at City Place Station, Palm Beach Gardens Post Office, Palms Central Station, and Riviera Beach Post Office. Once the Mirror Adjustment Station is installed, it takes approximately five minutes to adjust all seven mirrors once the driver enters the station.
“Safety statistics show that properly adjusting mirrors can help reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents,” said West Palm Beach Postmaster Ernest Onody.
Recently, Mirror Adjustment Stations were installed at City Place Station, Palm Beach Gardens Post Office, Palms Central Station, and Riviera Beach Post Office. Once the Mirror Adjustment Station is installed, it takes approximately five minutes to adjust all seven mirrors once the driver enters the station.
“Safety statistics show that properly adjusting mirrors can help reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents,” said West Palm Beach Postmaster Ernest Onody.
How does it work? With
the help of an assistant, the driver parks the vehicle in the center of the
mirror station box; the front line of the station should run directly in front
of the bumper. Starting with Mirror # 1 (see mirror layout), all seven mirrors
will be adjusted so the driver can see three corners, the front and rear
bumpers, and right and left sides of the vehicle.
Monday, May 20, 2019
In Pompano, 'Safety Depends on US!'

Whether you’re in a craft or a management position, or
whether you’re a new employee or a seasoned veteran, all employees under the
Pompano umbrella are on the same mission.
Working together as a team, under the leadership of Pompano
Postmaster Michael Vecchitto, employees are determined to improve the overall
safety record at the Atlantic Branch, Coconut Creek Branch, Coral Springs
Branch, Lighthouse Point Finance Unit, Margate Branch, Pompano Main Office, and
Tropical Reef Station. Vecchitto has detailed Pompano Letter Carrier Ruth
Dombroski to help him promote a positive safety culture in each unit. He also
relies on his management team, safety ambassadors, and employees in every craft
and management position.
At each location, a “Safety Wall” demonstrates employees’ renewed commitment to fostering a safe work environment. Walls highlight “What Safety Means to Me!” employee quotes and photos, along with safety-related resources ranging from “Safety Depends on Me!” talks to dog bite prevention tips to security messaging. Employees choose safety items to post.
What are our employees saying about safety?
“Safety means to go home in one piece with no accidents,” said Tropical Reef Station City Carrier Assistant Sara Portilla with three years of postal service.
“Recognizing and labeling heavy parcels as we accept them,” said Pompano Main Office Sales and Services Associate Adriana Ribero, who has 22 years of service.
“Paying attention to the road signs and obeying all of the laws,” said Tropical Reef Station City Carrier Assistant Joshua Brown, who has nine months of service.
“Wearing my seatbelt at all times,” said Coral Springs Branch Letter Carrier Wade Meier, who has been delivering mail for 15 years.
“Not using earplugs while delivering the mail,” said Coral Springs Branch Letter Carrier Terri Paulson with 26 years of postal service.
“Taking precautions in everything you do, especially handling packages of any kind. Safety is paramount, not only in the Postal Service, but in everyday lives,” said Pompano Main Office Distribution Clerk Melanie Williams.
“My safety depends on these Dog Warning Cards,” said Pompano Main Office City Carrier Assistant Brent Bryan with four months of service.
"Safety means that all my carriers return back to the office the same way they left … safely,” said Tropical Reef Station Supervisor, Customer Services Sharon Times, a 21-year veteran.
"Doing everything I can to be safe so that at the end of the day, I can go home and be with my family, including four cats and a dog. They also want me there," said Pompano Main Office Letter Carrier Cynthia Taylor, who has 37 years of postal service. "Always be aware of your environment, and if you see something unsafe, say something."
And let's take a look at those Safety Walls ...
At each location, a “Safety Wall” demonstrates employees’ renewed commitment to fostering a safe work environment. Walls highlight “What Safety Means to Me!” employee quotes and photos, along with safety-related resources ranging from “Safety Depends on Me!” talks to dog bite prevention tips to security messaging. Employees choose safety items to post.
What are our employees saying about safety?
“Safety means to go home in one piece with no accidents,” said Tropical Reef Station City Carrier Assistant Sara Portilla with three years of postal service.
“Recognizing and labeling heavy parcels as we accept them,” said Pompano Main Office Sales and Services Associate Adriana Ribero, who has 22 years of service.
“Paying attention to the road signs and obeying all of the laws,” said Tropical Reef Station City Carrier Assistant Joshua Brown, who has nine months of service.
“Wearing my seatbelt at all times,” said Coral Springs Branch Letter Carrier Wade Meier, who has been delivering mail for 15 years.
“Not using earplugs while delivering the mail,” said Coral Springs Branch Letter Carrier Terri Paulson with 26 years of postal service.
“Taking precautions in everything you do, especially handling packages of any kind. Safety is paramount, not only in the Postal Service, but in everyday lives,” said Pompano Main Office Distribution Clerk Melanie Williams.
“My safety depends on these Dog Warning Cards,” said Pompano Main Office City Carrier Assistant Brent Bryan with four months of service.
"Safety means that all my carriers return back to the office the same way they left … safely,” said Tropical Reef Station Supervisor, Customer Services Sharon Times, a 21-year veteran.
"Doing everything I can to be safe so that at the end of the day, I can go home and be with my family, including four cats and a dog. They also want me there," said Pompano Main Office Letter Carrier Cynthia Taylor, who has 37 years of postal service. "Always be aware of your environment, and if you see something unsafe, say something."
And let's take a look at those Safety Walls ...
Pompano Main Office
Coral Springs Branch
Coconut Creek Branch
Margate Branch
Pompano Main Office
Pompano Main Office
Margate Branch
Coconut Creek Branch
Coconut Creek Branch
Atlantic Branch
Tropical Reef Station
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Taking Care of Business in WPB
During "National Small Business Week," West Palm Beach Postmaster Ernest Onody (right) and Business Development Specialist Pat O
Brady (left) supported the spirit and success of small business owners at the Haverhill
Branch in West Palm Beach. Customers appreciated the opportunity to meet with postal officials who answered questions on their mailing and shipping needs at this "Grow Your Business Day" event.
This dynamic postal duo also promoted the Informed Delivery feature, which offers business mailers the opportunity to engage users through an integrated mail and digital marketing campaign that generates additional consumer impressions, interactions, and insights.
Photo: West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator Gayle Jones
This dynamic postal duo also promoted the Informed Delivery feature, which offers business mailers the opportunity to engage users through an integrated mail and digital marketing campaign that generates additional consumer impressions, interactions, and insights.
Photo: West Palm Beach Customer Relations Coordinator Gayle Jones
Promoting Informed Delivery
Jany Dalrymple (above) is an advocate for Informed Delivery, both in and out of the office.
“As soon as I learned about Informed Delivery a year and a half ago, I signed up for it. I look at it on a daily basis,” the Fort Lauderdale Mailing Requirements clerk says.
Informed Delivery is the free postal notification feature that allows customers to preview their incoming mail and manage their packages on smartphones, tablets and other devices.
The Postal Service wants to enroll 40 million Informed Delivery users by 2020. This will help the organization attract more business customers who want to pay USPS to add interactive content to Informed Delivery emails, thereby boosting postal revenue.
To help other employees sign up new customers, Dalrymple offers these tips:
• Tell businesses about Informed Delivery. If you work with commercial mailers, ask them if they know about the feature. If they aren’t familiar with it, help them to learn more.
• Focus on visibility. When talking to consumers, use real-life examples to explain the usefulness of Informed Delivery, such as being able to see when a child’s report card is coming or when a credit card bill is on the way.
• Capitalize on opportunities. If you’re at a community meeting or public event, talk to people about Informed Delivery. If they haven’t signed up, take their email addresses and send them information.
“Everyone I’ve talked to is receptive about Informed Delivery and they are so appreciative of the information,” Dalrymple says.
Source: Link
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Today is Armed Forces Day
Today is Armed Forces Day. The theme for 2019 is "For the Nation. For the People."
It is celebrated each year on the third Saturday in May and is one of six days of the year that postal facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag. Both the U.S. and POW-MIA flags must be flown at full staff.
On August 31, 1949, Louis Johnson, who was the United States’ Secretary of Defense, announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The event stemmed from the armed forces’ unification under one department – the Department of Defense. The Army, Navy and Air Force leagues adopted the newly formed day. The Marine Corps League declined to drop support for Marine Corps Day but supports Armed Forces Day, too.
The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on Saturday, May 20, 1950. The theme for that day was “Teamed for Defense,” which expressed the unification of all military forces under one government department. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the day was designed to expand public understanding of what type of job was performed and the role of the military in civilian life.
Armed Forces Day was a day for the military to show "state-of-the-art" equipment to Americans. It was also a day to honor and acknowledge Americans in the armed forces. Parades, open houses, receptions and air shows were held at the inaugural Armed Forces Day. Armed Forces Day is still celebrated nationwide today and is part of Armed Forces Week.
Miami Carrier Goes Back to School
Holy Family Catholic School invited the U.S. Postal Service to participate in their first-ever Career Day. The school, which has been operating over 50 years, recently scheduled Career Day for the students in pre-kindergarten through third grade.
North Miami Branch Letter Carrier/National Association of Letter Carriers(NALC) Branch 1071 Shop Steward Vincent Kinloch demonstrated the different mirrors on his Long Life Vehicle (LLV).

North Miami Branch Letter Carrier/National Association of Letter Carriers(NALC) Branch 1071 Shop Steward Vincent Kinloch illustrated proper addressing to Holy Family Catholic School second graders.
North Miami Branch Letter Carrier/National Association of Letter Carriers(NALC) Branch 1071 Shop Steward Vincent Kinloch shared defensive techniques --- use of his satchel and animal repellent --- if approached by an unrestrained dog on his route.
Photos: Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Mirtha Uriarte
Program Coordinator Althea Duren introduced the Career Day program to Principal Doreen Roberts as a way to spike interest of students on future employment opportunities.
Career Day was a success, and Duren already has expressed her interest in expanding the program to all students through the eighth grade next year.

North Miami Branch Letter Carrier/National Association of Letter Carriers(NALC) Branch 1071 Shop Steward Vincent Kinloch illustrated proper addressing to Holy Family Catholic School second graders.
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