Sometimes experiencing change, new challenges or unexpected events can cause tension at work or home.
So it’s nice to know the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is always there to provide postal employees with a range of services to deal with stress, compulsive behaviors, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, alcohol or substance abuse and other life challenges.
The program offers assessment, referral, and short-term counseling to postal employees and their families and many other resources employees can use to get the information they need.
The EAP website can assist employees with money management, preparing and planning for retirement, relationships and healthy living. EAP also offers assistance in establishing a strong balance between work and life and help in finding child care and elder care.
Employees can call the EAP service center, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 800-EAP-4-YOU (800-327-4968) or TTY 877-492-7341 for confidential help with work, family and personal matters.
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