Saturday, November 16, 2013

Honoring Our Veterans

Riviera Beach veterans are thanked for their military service.  L to R:  Conrad Wendell, Rashid Morris, Henry Stanley, David Urrutia, Obbie Hardwick, John Mackey, Rodney Dennard, Rodney Crawford, Hector Serrano, Kevin James, Roy Grinnon, Angel Gonzales, Jonathan Finkley, Christopher Lang, Mike Sheeley, Dave Santang, and Pablo Estupinan, Manager, Customer Service.  Veterans not pictured:   Lavon Barnett, Patricia Bond, Brian Coulton, Ivy Henderson, Archie Jackson, Jose Perez, Andrew Thomas, and Nestor Velez.

Article & Photo:  LuAnn Warner, WPB Customer Relations Coordinator

West Palm Beach Station and Branch employees came together as one in a simultaneous broadcast conference call to honor their veterans for Veterans Day. Employees gathered on the workfloor in each of the offices and listened to the message given by West Palm Beach Postmaster Rich Fermo.  He thanked the veterans for their service to our country as Managers, Customer Service, distributed Letters of Appreciation to all of the employees with military service.  The Postmaster said that their dedication deserved the respect and admiration of every American, not only on Veterans Day, but throughout the year. The song, “God Bless the USA,” by Lee Greenwood, was broadcast and employees’ voices were heard city wide singing along to the patriotic song.  Individual offices also held their own celebrations to honor the military employees for their service, totaling close to 140 for the city. 

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