Monday, November 4, 2013

Safety is His Priority --- Make It Yours!

By John Booth

“Please be careful!”

“Have a safe ride!”

“Call me when you get there!”

“Be careful today at work!”

“See you tonight, be careful!”

“I love you, see you later!”

When we leave our homes each day, we hear our loved ones send us off with a gesture of their love and concern. Somewhere after we get to work, we forget what the important element of our day:  OUR SAFETY!

We confuse it with:

“How many sick calls?”

“Wonder if we make it back in eight?”

“It’s a new route, and I don't know it.”

The list is endless.

You've all said:  “How about, I'll call you when I get out?” “Oh, I can't talk now,” or “Call me back,” or “I really like my new ear piece, smart phone, ipod etc.”

As a new South Florida District Safety Team member, I am committed to making SAFETY what will bring you HOME to your loved ones every day. I have the support of NALC Branch 1690 and the Postal Service and will be diligently working on issues that concern your safety.

We, as a team, inspect offices that have a history of accidents and will identify, correct, and follow up on situations of housekeeping, OSHA violations, carrier street concerns and much more.  

I am a carrier with 28 years of service and 28 years of involvement in the NALC. YOUR SAFETY IS FIRST! The proof is in the action, WE GET RESULTS!

Get off the phones! Wear your seatbelt! Close your door! Turn off the vehicle when it’s not occupied! Stop at intersections! Rubber bands and steering wheels will get your attention! Reward yourself every day by having a SAFE DAY!

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