Rose Mesenger-Mannisto, Supervisor, Customer Service, South Florida Retail Unit (L), promotes the new Santa CD to customer as Sandy Bliven, secretary to the Manager, Operations Programs Support (back L), and Kelly Levy, secretary to the Manager, Customer Relations (R), bubble with enthusiasm for the "Santa Letter" Program. Photo: Debra J. Fetterly, Communications Programs Specialist, South Florida District

Angela Randle, Manager, Customer Service, Fort Lauderdale Main Office, shares the details of the Santa Letter Program with customer who adopted a letter. Photo: Tashia Romano-Kravitz, Fort Lauderdale Customer Relations Coordinator
The "Santa Letter" Program officially kicked off nationwide on Tuesday, December 1. Locally, there were lobby events at the Fort Lauderdale Main Office, Miami GMF Postal Store, South Florida Retail Unit, and the West Palm Beach Main Office. Customers (including employees) interested in adopting a Santa letter written by a child may do so by contacting one of the following coordinators Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm:
Tashia Romano-Kravitz
Fort Lauderdale Main Office
Rose Castro
Miami GMF Postal Store
Rose Mesenger-Mannisto
South Florida Retail Unit
JoAnn Goodrich
West Palm Beach Main Office
Participants will be required to complete an application and provide identification. To protect children and their privacy, participants will receive a photocopy, instead of the original letter, without personal information, including the name and address of the child. Participants will purchase a gift and bring it back to one of the designated locations and will pay the Priority Mail postage to send the package to the child. Holiday packages must be returned to a designated Post Office on or before 5 pm on Wednesday, December 23.
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