South Florida children are sending their holiday wish lists and letters to Santa. Here are some excerpts of the more entertaining letters received at the North Pole’s “South Florida Station” this year:
“I have been trying to be the best in school. I have gotten all A’s on my report card. Santa, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.” -- Angelica
“What’s it like in the North Pole? I heard it’s pretty chilly.” -- Giulianna
“I have behaved really well and I’ve barely gotten into trouble.” -- Toni
“Is it true that you have a mailman up there in the North Pole? If so, does the mailman mail the naughty or nice papers or do you just go on the computer and print them out?” -- Mikey
“I wonder what will be inside that big present you are bringing me. Santa, you’re the best, but why don’t people see you?” -- Barry
“For Christmas I would like for you to bring all the sick children in the hospital a cure and their presents. You’re the greatest.” -- Salvatore
“All I want for Christmas is a live Siberian tiger cub.” -- Gabrielle
“Come to my house at 3 am. Put the presents in different places. Draw a map so I can find them.” -- Mandy
“A few years ago when I was a baby, my Mom used to tell me that the lights up in the sky were Santa’s lights and now I just don’t think that those are really your lights because they look exactly like the spotlights that people shine at the sky during concerts and other events. So I want to know if the lights are really yours or are they just spotlights that people shine at the sky during parties and stuff. Don’t get me wrong I still believe that you exist I’m just not so sure about those lights.” -- Eddie
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