Yes, Virginia ... There is a Santa Claus ... and you may get a "North Pole" postmark on your letter from Santa or on your holiday greeting cards this year.
Letter from Santa
You write a letter to your child and sign it from Santa. You place this letter into an envelope addressed to your child with the return address from SANTA, NORTH POLE. Please make sure you have a First-Class stamp affixed to the envelope. Place that envelope into a larger envelope, with appropriate postage, and address the larger envelope as indicated below.
Holiday Greeting Cards
You write your greeting cards like you normally would. You place the cards into their envelopes. Address the envelopes to the people you want to receive them. Place First-Class stamps on the envelopes and either have the return address from the NORTH POLE or from you and your address. Then place the greeting cards into a larger envelope or box, with appropriate postage, and address it to:
FAIRBANKS AK 99709-9998
The letters from Santa and the greeting cards need to be received in Fairbanks AK before December 15, 2009. After that date, they should be sent via Express Mail.
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