Monday, April 18, 2011
April is "EAP Awareness Month"

Know Your Emergency Phone Numbers

EDDM: Simplified Addressing is a Hit

The Postal Service’s promotion of “Every Door Direct Mail” (EDDM) is producing results. Since its introduction, USPS has closed millions in annualized sales with hundreds of customers who are using the product to promote their goods and services.
EDDM — a form of Simplified Addressing used by the Postal Service for years — allows business mailers to use mail delivery route information, instead of names and exact addresses, to reach target customer groups in urban areas. It has long been an accepted addressing option on rural routes and for government mailings.
With EDDM, businesses can send advertising mail without acquiring an address list or printing addresses on each mailpiece. Instead, letter carriers deliver EDDM along with the day’s mail to every address on routes customers want to reach.
Retailers and service-based businesses who want to expand their customer base locally, regionally or across the country are using the service.
If you have a business or know of a business that would benefit from EDDM, please contact our District Grow Your Business Days Coordinator Lillian Castro at 954-436-4417.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Communication: ASL, VRI, VRS in WPB
Behind English and Spanish, American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most communicated language in the United States. And the Postal Service is one of the nation’s largest employers of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. To improve communication with deaf/hard-of-hearing employees, the Postal Service is expanding its Video Remote Interpreter (VRI) and Video Relay Service (VRS) to nearly 300 facilities nationwide --- including the West Palm Beach P&DC. Employees at other South Florida plants will benefit from VRI and VRS in the near future. The services allow employees who use ASL to take part in meetings or discussions during a video conference using an ASL interpreter. With VRI, interpreters translate sign language to voice and voice to sign language for individuals at a common location. These communications are transmitted over high-speed internet and displayed on a large-screen TV. VRS is a visual telephone system equipped with a web camera and is used for conversations between hearing and deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals at different locations.
USPS 'Drive Thrus' Open for Tax Day, April 18
Taxpayers have an extra weekend to file their income tax returns this year because of a District of Columbia holiday. The deadline is Monday, April 18, instead of the usual April 15. For customer convenience, on Monday, April 18, up until 9 pm (not 12 midnight as in previous years), USPS mail handlers will collect income tax returns at a drive-through set up in the parking lot of these facilities: Fort Lauderdale Processing and Distribution Center, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale Miami Processing and Distribution Center, 2200 NW 72 Avenue, Miami West Palm Beach Processing and Distribution Center, 3200 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach Many South Florida Post Offices will be open after 5 pm on Tax Day, Monday, April, 18. Go to usps.com for a list of these locations. The Postal Service provides these tips for customers filing income tax returns: » If filing on April 18, mail early in the day at any Post Office or in any collection box. Post Office and collection box location, hours and pick-up time information are available at (800) ASK-USPS or online at usps.whitepages.com/post_office. » If depositing returns in a collection box on April 18, double-check the pick-up schedule on the label. To ensure getting the April 18 postmark, please deposit returns before the last scheduled pick-up time. » Affix the correct postage, especially since the item may weigh more than an ounce. Stamps may be purchased at the retail counter, per Post Office hours of operation. Also, postage may be purchased at an Automated Postal Center (APC) in the lobby of many Post Offices. Credit or debit card only for APC transactions. For locations, go to usps.com, select “Locate a Post Office,” type your address, and select “Automated Postal Centers” from the drop menu. Or follow these instructions and select “Alternate Locations to Buy Stamps” from the drop menu. » Due to heightened security, all mail that bears only postage stamps and weighs more than 13 ounces must be taken by the customer to a retail service counter at a Post Office.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
EDDM is Taking Care of Business

With the “Grow Your Business Days” Campaign underway, Marketing and Sales teams nationwide --- South Florida included --- are connecting with small business owners and entrepreneurs to show them how they can use the mail to build their business — which also helps the Postal Service build its business.
“Being a part of this initiative is very exciting, and we must all do our part to promote the growth of small businesses in our communities,” said Lillian Castro, Grow Your Business Coordinator for the South Florida District. “In doing so, we will grow our own business and overcome the challenges that we are faced with today.”
And it does not get much easier than the simplified addressing required for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), because it eliminates the need for mailers to compile and print complete delivery addresses. Instead, the mailer can reach all delivery points within a service area using the simplified address “Postal Customer.” Even better for the bottom line, it allows small businesses to avoid the costs of maintaining updated databases to prepare delivery-sequenced mailings.
Each quarter, the Postal Service is focusing on a new topic --- currently, EDDM --- to benefit small business owners. Castro is scheduling community events reinforcing our core strategies to strengthen the business-to-consumer channel and to improve customer service. Currently, there are 16 scheduled events being hosted by Level 21 and above Postmasters/Station Managers to educate customers and promote EDDM.
Postmasters/Station Managers interested in hosting an event should call 954-436-4417.
Special Incentive Offer Deadline: April 25
If you’re thinking about the Special Incentive Offer, there are some important things to keep in mind. The first is the date for letting the Postal Service know you want to take advantage of the offer. Eligible employees should highlight April 25, 2011 on their calendars. That’s the opt-in deadline for the Special Incentive Offer, as described in the Incentive FAQs. Employees who want to leave under the Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) — as well as optionally-eligible employees (those who have reached their minimum retirement age and service requirements) and those who wish to voluntarily resign — must notify the Postal Service of their decision by this deadline. VER-eligible employees should have received an “Annuity Estimate and VER” offer letter in the mail. Employees who have reviewed the letter and who have decided to take advantage of the offer should sign and return the “Acknowledgement of Irrevocability of Voluntary Early Retirement Decision” and also the “Application for Immediate Retirement.” The documents must be received at the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) no later than 8:30 pm April 25. Employees who are optionally eligible to retire and who also want to take advantage of the Special Incentive Offer must begin the retirement process using eRetire on LiteBlue or contacting the HRSSC before 8:30 pm April 25. If you already have initiated the optional retirement process through the HRSSC, you do not need to use the eRetire app. Signed paperwork is not required from optionally-eligible employees prior to April 25 in order to receive the Special Incentive Offer. Counseling to assist optionally-eligible employees in completing their paperwork can be scheduled up to an employee’s retirement effective date. To take advantage of the Special Incentive Offer through the voluntary resignation process, you must complete and submit to HRSSC Form PS 2574, Resignation from the Postal Service. The HRSSC must receive this form no later than 8:30 pm April 25. For all redesign information — including timelines, FAQs and additional guidance — visit the Organizational Changes website on Blue and LiteBlue.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
National Crime Victims' Rights Week in Miami
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Department of Justice and the National Center for Victims of Crime are collaborating to showcase National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, to be observed this year April 10-16.
In South Florida, Miami Customer Relations Coordinator Rose M. Castro coordinated an event with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service - Miami Division and the FBI.
The annual event promotes public awareness about victims’ rights and available services. This year’s theme, “Reshaping the Future, Honoring the Past,” evokes victims’ past struggles and pays tribute to the millions of crime victims who have summoned the strength to rebuild their lives, families and communities.
The event also calls on all Americans to help. Victims often feel helpless in the aftermath of a crime as they confront many challenges — from emotional to physical to financial. Assistance includes helping victims locate available local, state and federal resources. Each year millions of victims of financial fraud need assistance to restore their credit and financial security.
Click here for more information about National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pricing Adjustments Coming April 17
The first mailing services price change in nearly 2 years takes effect April 17. The price for a First-Class Mail stamp will remain unchanged. The new prices will have a minimal impact on retail customers. “While changing pricing is always a difficult decision, we have made every effort to keep the impact minimal for consumers doing business with us in retail lobbies,” said PMG Pat Donahoe. “We will continue to balance business needs against the needs of our customers.” Price changes of note for retail customers include: First-Class Mail letters (1 ounce) remain unchanged at 44 cents First-Class Mail additional ounces increase to 20 cents Postcard stamps will cost 29 cents Letters to Canada or Mexico (1 ounce) increase to 80 cents, and Letters to other international destinations will remain unchanged at 98 cents. The 1.7 percent average increase is at or below the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index — although actual percentage price increases for various products and services vary. Prices also will change for other mailing services, including Standard Mail, Periodicals, Package Services and Extra Services. Larger volume business mailers will see price increases in a variety of categories. Detailed pricing information is available online at usps.com/prices.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Six Boca Raton Carriers are Million Mile Drivers

Congratulations to Million Mile Drivers Cyndie Glasser and John Zimmardo, letter carriers at the Spanish Isles Annex in Boca Raton. Each employee drove over 30 years without having an at-fault accident. That's quite an accomplishment and makes Officer-In-Charge Joe Croce very proud!
Recently Acting Manager Brian Cronin presented each driver with a plaque from the Safety Council and automatic membership in the prestigious National Safety Council “Million Mile Club.” The million-mile award is a lifetime enrollment, and it is given to drivers who have accumulated one-million miles or 30 years of driving without being involved in a preventable motor vehicle accident. According to the National Safety Council, it takes approximately 30 years to accumulate one million miles.
Cyndie and John are in excellent company as four other Boca Raton letter carriers have achieved recognition in the Million Mile Club: Charles Francesco (Boca Rio Branch), John Talbot (Palmetto Park Station), Karen Petrovich (Boca Main Office), and William Reeves (West Boca Carrier Annex). Congratulations on your outstanding safety record!
Accident-free driving involves being constantly alert for dangers, anticipating the actions of other drivers, paying attention to your surroundings, looking ahead, checking mirrors, following the rules, and giving yourself enough time to react in a safe manner.
The U.S. Postal Service has one of the largest vehicle fleets in the world. Our drivers face hazardous road conditions, congestion, gridlock, and careless drivers every day. It's evident that these six Boca Raton drivers have safety on their minds at all times!
Special Contributor: Charles J. Francesco, Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Assistant, Boca Raton, FL
Go Green is Easier than You Think

Go Green stamps are Forever stamps, always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail price. They will be available in South Florida Post Offices on April 14. Many of the tips offered on these stamps — turning out lights when leaving a room or riding a bike instead of driving — are things we may be doing already. Others, like composting, may require more of a commitment.
No matter what we choose to do, it’s amazing how taking small steps such as the ones depicted in the stamps can add up to big savings in energy, resources and costs.
The Postal Service is doing its part by providing more than 27 billion Cradle to Cradle Certified mailing and shipping materials, stamps and stamp products, which meet established standards for human and environmental health and recyclability.
The 16 stamps depict the following: 1. Buy local produce, reuse bags. 2. Fix water leaks. 3. Share rides. 4. Turn off lights not in use. 5. Choose to walk. 6. GO GREEN — reduce our environmental footprint step by step. 7. Compost. 8. Let nature do the work. 9. Recycle more. 10. Ride a bike. 11. Plant trees. 12. Insulate the home. 13. Use public transportation. 14. Use efficient light bulbs. 15. Adjust the thermostat. 16. Maintain tire pressure.
Miami-Dade County PCC Delivers ...

DelCon is Important to Our Customers

All in the Family at the APC

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
It's "Passport Day in the USA" Saturday, April 9: Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Miramar, WPB

April is "EAP Awareness Month"
Did you know that April is designated as “EAP Awareness Month?” Employees and their families have immediate access to services through the EAP4YOU Service Center, and they will always reach a live person when they call. Employee Assistance Program professionals are available to answer your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Each caller will have his or her needs assessed immediately. The employee can then choose a referral to a community resource, face-to-face counseling, or telephone counseling. There’s greater flexibility in providing employees specialized information for handling emergencies and smoother follow-up. Child and elder care is increasingly a concern for many employees. The EAP's website, www.eap4you.com, contains information available when you need it. Click onto this website to obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of care providers who are close to you. Need some information on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? As fast as you can move your mouse, you can find out what it means, read a description of the symptoms, and get help with finding resources to confront this problem. Or, you can speak to an EAP representative for this type of information, if you do not have Internet access by calling 1-800-EAP-4-You. Getting an EAP professional’s guidance on what to do in a crisis is quick and easy. Help in handling a difficult situation is available at any time. The South Florida District EAP Advisory Committee, composed of management and union representatives, is responsible for promoting the EAP and maintaining the human touch for the local services that you can continue to trust. The EAP is a resource for you and your family. It’s free. It’s confidential. It’s voluntary.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Olympia Heights PO Hosts NCPW Event
"Passport Day in the USA" is Sat, April 9
On Saturday, April 9, the U.S. Postal Service and the U.S. Department of State will promote “Passport Day in the USA.” Along with regional passport offices, Post Offices --- including four South Florida locations --- will host passport events: Fort Lauderdale Main Office, 1900 W Oakland Park Blvd, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; Hialeah Main Office, 325 E First Ave, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; Miramar Post Office, 14900 SW 30 St, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; and West Palm Beach Main Office, 3200 Summit Blvd, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Passport photo opportunities will be available at each of the above Post Offices on Saturday. Americans now must present a valid passport book when coming back to the United States by air. U.S. citizens returning to the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land borders and sea ports of entry must present a passport book, passport card, or other travel documents approved by the U.S. government. During last year’s Passport Day in the USA, more than 65,000 applications were accepted. Regional passport offices and more than 2,000 local acceptance facilities — the majority of which were Post Offices — were open and available to the traveling public.
Fort Lauderdale to Conduct AMP Study
On Monday, April 4, the Postal Service will begin an Area Mail Processing (AMP) feasibility study at the Fort Lauderdale Processing and Distribution Center. The purpose of the study is to see if it makes sense to consolidate some operations into the Miami Processing and Distribution Center. This does not mean that any changes in operations are being made now. We are just conducting a study at this time. Why is this AMP study being conducted? We all know that mail volume has fallen the past few years. Since 2007, total mail volume has declined by 20 percent. Even more importantly for our operations, the volume of stamped First-Class letter mail has dropped nearly 50 percent over the past decade. Because there is less mail to cancel and sort, we have an excess capacity of equipment, people and space devoted to processing a declining volume of stamped mail. It only makes sense to study whether we can consolidate some of these operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs, as long as service is not negatively impacted. AMPs are not new. The Postal Service has been doing them for decades. We need to constantly update and improve our operations in order to help keep mail affordable, maintain universal service, and preserve the long-term viability of the Postal Service and all of our jobs. How does the AMP process work? First a feasibility study is conducted. Based on the data from that study, a proposal is then made. The proposal may recommend consolidating mail processing operations; or it may say that a consolidation should not be made because it would not provide any cost savings or would negatively impact service. If the study data indicates that consolidating operations makes sense, a public meeting will be held to allow members of the community to ask questions and provide feedback. The business case for consolidation and community feedback will be considered, and then a decision will be made as to whether or not the mail processing operations should be consolidated. What would happen if the decision is made to move some operations to the Miami Processing and Distribution Center? First, there may be some reassignments made for Fort Lauderdale career employees if operations are moved. We will try to handle any reductions in positions in the affected operations through attrition to the extent possible. Second, there will be no change in local mail service. Letters mailed to local addresses will be delivered the next day, the same as before. The local postmark will still be available. The majority of originating mail is either metered or permit mail, which will continue to show the Fort Lauderdale mark. Third, there will be no change in retail service. The Fort Lauderdale Main Office that our customers use will still be open as usual with the same hours. We are soliciting the public’s input as part of the process. Employees may submit their comments as well. You can submit your comments by mail to: Consumer Affairs Manager, 2200 NW 72 Ave RM 225, Miami FL 33152-9631. All comments will be fully considered in any decision. All employees will be kept informed about any future developments regarding this AMP study.
Friday, April 1, 2011
VOE Scores Top the Charts!

Congratulations! The South Florida District has achieved a 69.1 survey index score for Qtr 2 FY11. This is the highest index score we have ever achieved. This reflects an increase of 3.1 over the Qtr 1 index score of 66.0. We showed great improvement in each of the 8 dimensions. In the dimension of USPS Strategic Direction we improved from 81 to 85. In trust we went up from a 36 to a 41 and in Contribution to USPS Growth we went up from a 54 to a 61. In the dimension of Communications we went from a 61 to a 64. We also saw an increase in the dimension of Diversity and Respect - from 55 to 56 - and in Commitment going from 82 to an 83. In Personal Safety we improved from 73 to 76 and in Work Effort and Quality we went from an 86 to an 88.
Inspector Collects $188,812 for USPS

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