Congratulations to Million Mile Drivers Cyndie Glasser and John Zimmardo, letter carriers at the Spanish Isles Annex in Boca Raton. Each employee drove over 30 years without having an at-fault accident. That's quite an accomplishment and makes Officer-In-Charge Joe Croce very proud!
Recently Acting Manager Brian Cronin presented each driver with a plaque from the Safety Council and automatic membership in the prestigious National Safety Council “Million Mile Club.” The million-mile award is a lifetime enrollment, and it is given to drivers who have accumulated one-million miles or 30 years of driving without being involved in a preventable motor vehicle accident. According to the National Safety Council, it takes approximately 30 years to accumulate one million miles.
Cyndie and John are in excellent company as four other Boca Raton letter carriers have achieved recognition in the Million Mile Club: Charles Francesco (Boca Rio Branch), John Talbot (Palmetto Park Station), Karen Petrovich (Boca Main Office), and William Reeves (West Boca Carrier Annex). Congratulations on your outstanding safety record!
Accident-free driving involves being constantly alert for dangers, anticipating the actions of other drivers, paying attention to your surroundings, looking ahead, checking mirrors, following the rules, and giving yourself enough time to react in a safe manner.
The U.S. Postal Service has one of the largest vehicle fleets in the world. Our drivers face hazardous road conditions, congestion, gridlock, and careless drivers every day. It's evident that these six Boca Raton drivers have safety on their minds at all times!
Special Contributor: Charles J. Francesco, Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Assistant, Boca Raton, FL
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