He must have been going very, very fast.
He must also be very, very lucky.
Snoozing, he drifted into a guard rail and threaded 120 feet of steel through the right headlight, engine compartment, firewall, glove box, passenger seat, and rear seat.
The rail then curved behind the driver and exited the Suburban's rear window.
The noise of ripping, bending steel, and shattering glass must have been deafening and terrifying.
Needless to say, it woke him up -- perhaps in more ways than one.
He was not injured.
Nodding off may be the ultimate form of "distracted driving" but texting and chatting on the phone are also plenty dangerous -- even though they may seem safe enough.
Consulting maps, catching a glance at a newspaper, and eating can also distract long enough to make a crash unavoidable.
Contributor: Joseph L. Breckenridge
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