It's Election Season, and America is counting on dedicated postal employees like Angel Palmer and Robert Selvin to properly handle time-sensitive absentee ballots.
Angel is a Supervisor, Transportation Operations, and recently sent Robert, an MVS Operator, to pick up 80,000 absentee ballots from the Broward County Elections Department warehouse. Robert became part of a police-escorted caravan of vehicles from the warehouse to the Fort Lauderdale Plant. Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes was a passenger in one of the county vehicles.
The Postal Service supports voting by mail because it strengthens the First-Class Mail brand and increases mail volume. In order to attract and retain this volume, employees must provide reliable service and delivery. Here’s what you can do:
-- Be alert for the green Tag 191, which identifies absentee ballot mail.
-- Be alert for the Official Election Mail logo that’s used to identify individual pieces of election mail. The logo may be printed in black, blue or red ink.
-- Promptly handle all ballot and official election mailings and give each one equal care and attention.
-- Immediately report any problems with ballot mail or official election mail to your supervisor who will contact the district elections coordinator.
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