Friday, August 3, 2018

It's a New School Year! Stay Alert!

August is the beginning of a new school year for many children. This means an increase in the number of pedestrians on streets and sidewalks as children walk to and from school or wait for school buses. Drivers need to take extra precautions to avoid accidents involving pedes­trians by staying alert and driving defensively to keep our kids safe. We need to watch out for each other, carriers need to inform new carriers to a route where the school zones are.

We are all familiar with the need to be extra careful when driving near schools or playgrounds. These are some precautions drivers should adopt while driving through residential areas:
  • Slow down! Obey speed limits. 
  • Adjust your mirrors so that you can see around your vehicle.
  • Avoid backing up your vehicle.
  • Never pass a school bus that is stopped. Stop your vehicle, at least 10 feet away from the bus to allow enough space for children to enter and exit the bus safely.
  • Stay alert. Children are unpredictable. They take risks, ignore hazards, and fail to look both ways when crossing the street, while walking and riding their bikes.
  • Avoid distracted driving.
USPS makes every effort to promote safe neighborhoods. Whether you’re on or off the clock, be alert and aware of your surroundings to keep our kids safe!

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