Our very own Ricardo Amezquita, Miami Maintenance Manager, will appear in the play, Everything in the Garden, at the
Island Park Multipurpose Center , starting opening night,
Friday, May 18, at 8:00 pm.
Other dates
and times include May 19 at 2:00 pm and 8 pm; May 20 at 2 pm; May 25 at 8 pm; May 26 at 2 pm and 8 pm; and May 27 at 2:00 pm.
Playwright Edward Albee
is one of America 's greatest dramatists, but
only a handful of his 30-plus plays ever see production here or anywhere else.
Not content to mount yet another Who's
Afraid of Virginia Woolf? or The
Zoo Story, the Actor's Community Theatre of Davie decided to plumb
the cavernous depths of Albee's oeuvre, closing its 2011-12 season with 1967's
Everything in the Garden.
Obscurists rejoice - even Wikipedia knows nothing about this biting satire,
which skewers middle-class mores in a story about suburbanites casually
partaking of the world's oldest profession. "We liked the fact that Everything in the Garden is not frequently
performed and that the large majority of people attending the play would not
have preconceived ideas or visions of the characters based on a film version or
a famous professional production," says Bill Fragetta, chairperson for the
theater’s Play Selection Committee. Performances run on Fridays, Saturdays, and
Sundays from May 18 to 27 at the Pine Island
Park Multipurpose Center , 3801 S. Pine Island Road , Davie . Tickets cost $10 advance or $12 at the
door. Call 954-327-3941, or email actofdavie1999@yahoo.com.
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