Sunday, June 10, 2018

Heat Illness and Medication

Heat cramps, heat stroke and heat exhaustion (often referred to as “Heat-Related Illness”) occurs when you are working in a hot environment, sitting in a hot automobile, or exerting yourself in increased heat and humidity.

Be sure to have your water and electrolyte replacement drinks like sports drinks with you at all times. You can replenish potassium by eating apricots, bananas, cantaloupes, oranges, beans, broccoli, potatoes and tomatoes.

If you are taking medication or following a low sodium diet, you need to be especially careful when working in hot environments. Diuretics (“water pills”) for high blood pressure or fluid retention cause you to lose water and sometimes electrolytes (e.g. potassium). If you are taking medications and working in a very hot environment, pay attention to any feelings of weakness, dizziness or nausea and consult your health care professional.

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