Story & Photo: JoAnn Goodrich
"Delivering the Gift of Life Campaign."
The South Florida District kicked off the USPS Marrow Donor Program on Thursday, June 10, at the Okeechobee Post Office.
Dee Dee Morris, Supervisor/Customer Service, coordinated the drive in honor of Linda Ledford who has been battling Leukemia for years. Dee Dee worked closely with Damaris Agrait, USPS South Florida Marrow Donor Program Coordinator. The event resulted in 46 new registrants and potential donors. Sixteen additional donors signed up for the Blood Drive also held in honor of Linda Ledford.
Great news! On June 16, Linda was matched with a cord blood stock and will receive stem cells.
The USPS has played a leading role since 1997 in helping recruit potential donors to the Marrow Donor Program through its Delivering the Gift of Life Campaign. In 2009, the USPS was the recipient of the first “Rod Carew Award for Leadership” for having saved more lives through marrow donation, more than any other business organization in the nation.
All postal employees, their spouses and dependents ages 18 and over, in good general health have a unique opportunity to share in a true miracle by joining the Be The Match Registry. A grant from the U.S. Postal Service covers the cost of adding employees and their immediate family members from around the country to join the registry.
How can you donate? Employees may look forward to other upcoming events (see below) where they may sign up to be a donor. You will also have the opportunity to apply online at http://www.bethematch.org/.
July 8, 9:00 pm to midnight, Miami P&DC
July 13, 7:30 am to 11:00 am, Palm Beach Gardens Branch
July 14, 9:00 pm to midnight, West Palm Beach P&DC
July 15, 8:00 pm to midnight, South Florida L&DC
July 16, 8:00 am to 11:00 am, Tropical Reef Station
July 22, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Miami ISC
July 27, 8:00 am to 11:00 am, Flagler Station
For more information contact Damaris Agrait at 305-470-0881.
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