Friday, February 4, 2011

'Organizational Redesign' Coming March 25

On January 7, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced the beginning of an organizational redesign that will help streamline the Postal Service. The announcement included a 16-percent reduction in the officer ranks of the Postal Service and the impending closure of the Southeast Area.

The redesign process continues.

Donahoe, the Executive Leadership Team, and area and headquarters vice presidents are currently examining the existing organizational structure, recommending where USPS can be realigned to better match resources to workload. Decisions based on this review are scheduled to be announced by the end of March. This announcement will be a major benchmark in the long-term redesign of the Postal Service — and could include district closures, as well as changes in organizational structures at headquarters and in the field.

The March announcement also could lead to a reduction in force (RIF) or voluntary early retirement (VER) for specific groups of employees. If implemented, the VER option will be announced along with the new organizational structure.

Resources will be available on the Human Resources Organizational Changes website throughout the redesign process. RIF and VER timelines — once announced — also will be posted on this website, as well as guidance to help affected employees make informed decisions.

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