Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Postal Pulse Employee Survey Begins Today


The Postal Pulse employee survey is a tool to help USPS become a better place to work.

How does the survey do this?

Here’s what you should know:

• The Postal Pulse measures employee engagement. This term refers to employees’ overall approach to their work, including their involvement, enthusiasm and commitment.

The Postal Service has made engagement a core strategy because research shows that employees who feel engaged deliver better customer service, have better attendance rates and work safer.

• The survey questions are designed to produce useful information. The Postal Pulse consists of 14 questions that aim to produce insightful data that USPS can use to make workplace changes and improvements.

The first 12 questions were designed by experts at Gallup, the research organization that conducts the survey on the Postal Service’s behalf.

USPS also asks a 13th question about overall job satisfaction, and in 2020, the organization will add a 14th question to determine how many employees are meeting one-on-one with their immediate supervisors to discuss their workplace needs.

The survey also has a comments box that allows you to provide feedback in your own words, in addition to measuring the level of engagement in your environment through your responses to the 14 questions.

• The Postal Pulse is more important than ever. The corona virus pandemic has affected how you work — and USPS wants to know what you need to feel supported and how to engage, equip and empower you.

Source: LINK

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