Thursday, February 18, 2010

BBC Films Story at Milam Dairy PO, Miami ISC

BBC crew videotapes and interviews Miami MCSO Ernie Cintado on the value of Priority Mail.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Producer Ricardo Benassi, based in Miami to report on stories in the United States and Latin America, contacted the South Florida Corporate Communications Office about "the evolving Postal Service." Arrangements were made for Benassi and his camera crew to conduct an interview, in Spanish, with Miami Manager, Customer Service Operations Ernie Cintado.

During an interview at the Milam Dairy Branch, Ernie emphasized that the Postal Service is operating more as a business --- and also took the opportunity to promote Express Mail and Priority Mail products. When asked about some customers communicating via E-Mail instead of through the letter mail, Ernie quipped "Some people may use the internet, but you can't deliver a package through your computer!" Ernie continued the interview in the retail lobby where he purchased a Valentine card from the new greeting card display --- also captured on film.

The BBC crew then travelled to the Miami ISC where Plant Manager Benjamin Vidal gave a tour of mail processing operations. The crew was fascinated with the processing of international mail, particularly packages destinating Latin America. They also were impressed to be videotaping in one of only five ISCs in the nation --- and that the Miami ISC was known as "the gateway to the Caribbean and Latin America.”

Thanks to Ernie and Ben for promoting the Postal Service and its employees!

To view the video news story, click on the following BBC link (remember to select the "Control" button) ...

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