Monday, July 18, 2011

Slick Driving in Wet Weather

Last week, an employee was driving on a wet, muddy road during a heavy rain, and while trying to avoid potholes, over-corrected and struck a sign with his mirrors. The window broke.

This was a preventable accident. In South Florida, especially this time of year, it is common to have daily, and even continuous, rain for several days at a time. While driving in the rain, you may experience adverse road conditions. Also, your visibility is hampered. You need to be cautious, and drive slower.

Some things you can do to avoid accidents are list below:

-- Be prepared to encounter large puddles of standing water or entire flooded areas that can momentarily cause you to lose control.

-- Check your windshield wipers daily. Make sure they are in good working condition.

-- Check your tires to ensure they have adequate tread.

-- Increase distance between vehicles when driving on wet or slippery surfaces.

-- Prepare to stop quickly for stalled vehicles.

-- Watch for low hanging or fallen branches or debris in the road.

-- Slow down, in advance, before turns and curves.

Take extra precautions in the rain. Be aware of the defensive action you may need to take at all times. Driving defensively helps save lives, time, and money.

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