Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Royal Palm P&DC SPSS Team Earns National Recognition for Performance

Royal Palm P&DC Tour 3 SPSS Team Members: Front Row, L to R: Derrick Lewis II, Fausto Gonzalez, Jilane Mena; Second Row, L to R: Britinei Scott, Fabiola Benoit, Jessika Thelwell, Jorge Dominguez, Regina Bailey, Ernesha Mosely, and On-the-Job Instructor Antoinette Harris; Back Row, L to R: Janette Ortiz, Tekia Welch, Ricaute Perez. Not Pictured: Charlene Anderson, Michael Brown, Jr., Luis Correa, Roddy Lams, and Jerricka Mungas. 

Story & Photo: Joanna Borger, A/Manager, In Plant Support, Royal Palm P&DC

Something AWESOME is happening at Royal Palm P&DC in South Florida District. The processing facility was selected as a pilot site to test a new mail processing machine specifically designed for small parcels – the Small Parcel Sorting System (SPSS). Since Outgoing processing began in April 2015, a very proud and driven team of mail handlers have demonstrated CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT! In fact, they are being recognized as the best in the country of the 4 sites piloting the machine. The thruput goal is currently 5,500 pieces per hour. The Superstars pictured above are consistently hitting productivity of over 6,000 pieces per hour. 

Royal Palm Plant Manager Linda Gray states: “I am so proud of this Royal Palm Team and their dedication to succeed. They work so hard to demonstrate that we can be the best at what we do!”

Recently, our Plant Manager decided to expand the use of the SPSS to include Destinating processing on Tour 2. In a show of friendly competition, the Tour 2 team is likewise engaged in succeeding at being the best. They continue to step it up and are proud of their accomplishments.

Their performance earned them the distinction of being selected to participate in a Headquarters-led Baseline Testing project to determine the expectations and thruput performance goals for the next set of 26 machines being installed throughout the country. 

According to Lane Stalsberg, HQ Operations Specialist, “In our efforts to provide a consistent evaluation process to our upcoming SPSS deployment, we selected the Royal Palm P&DC SPSS as a baseline site. The Tour 3 operation has demonstrated, from the initial startup, a high standard of performance. The coordination among mail handlers and Mail Processing/Maintenance managers and supervisors has resulted in the Royal Palm SPSS leading our five SPSS machines, currently deployed, in thruput. The Royal Palm site has established a strong and dedicated On the Job Instructor (OJI) that is instrumental in the SPSS success here.” 

The motivation of these employees is due in large part to the leadership and dedication of OJI Antoinette Harris. She has really made it her mission to keep the team focused and inspired to succeed. To the SPSS Superstars at Royal Palm, it is truly an awesome accomplishment. The entire Royal Palm P&DC celebrates your dedication and commitment to helping us BE the BEST!

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