Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Drive Defensively, Observe Safety Rules

Today there was a serious accident involving one of our postal tractor trailer drivers and a private vehicle. Our postal driver ran the red light at an intersection and struck the private vehicle on the driver’s side, injuring the private party and causing extensive damages to her vehicle. This resulted in injuries and possible hospitalization to the private party.

Secondly, there was another vehicle accident today caused by another one of our postal tractor trailer drivers, where he failed to stop at the railroad crossing in time and the gate came down striking the postal vehicle, causing damages. There were no injuries. However, this accident could have been much worse.

Both were preventable accidents.

Every year thousands of people are hurt or die from motor vehicle accidents. What can you as a driver do to ensure you are not involved in this type of accident?

1. It is important to stay alert, be a defensive driver and be in control of your vehicle at all times.
2. A defensive driver must be attentive and adhere to all traffic signals.
3. A defensive driver must read the road ahead.
4. A defensive driver knows in advance when they will have to slow down, stop or yield to avoid an accident.
5. As a defensive driver you must always be ready for the unexpected, and be prepared to react in the event the unexpected happens.
6. Don’t make senseless mistakes.
7. Avoid backing.
8. Do not talk or text while driving.

Remember that you have total control of your vehicle and you can prevent accidents from occurring. Be a defensive driver!

Contributor: Barbara Crowley, A/Safety Manager

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