Thursday, April 19, 2012

Titanic Postmark Sets Sail in Boca

The Boca Raton Stamp Club presented the RMS Titanic pictorial cancellation to the public at the Boca Raton Rio Branch Post Office on April 10, 2012.  Officer-In-Charge LaConnia Watkins was present to open the ceremony.

The club created the pictorial cancellation to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.  The USPS approved postmark pictured a replica of the luxury liner as she began her journey from Southampton to New York. The RMS Titanic reigned supreme in 1912 as the largest vessel in the world.  Heroism stories of the known and unknown emerged as the vessel was buried at sea five days later. 

Cachet envelopes and cancellations will be provided until May 10, 2012.  Requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the date of cancellation.  Affix correct postage to an envelope or postcards of your choice and address it to yourself or someone else.  Insert cardstock of postcard thickness in the envelope to protect against bending.  Place it in a larger envelope addressed to Postmaster, Boca Rio Woodland  Branch,.8185 Via Ancho Road, Boca Raton FL  33433-9998.  Your envelope or postcard will be returned to you through the mailstream.  If you would like your items returned under protective cover, include a larger, addressed envelope with 45 cents postage affixed.

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