Saturday, August 25, 2012

District Keeps Watchful Eye on Isaac

The South Florida District Emergency Management Team continues to monitor Tropical Storm Isaac.  National Hurricane Center (NHC) advisories indicate that Isaac will impact South Florida, especially the Keys.  While we cannot control Mother Nature, we can prepare for tropical storms and hurricanes --- and now is the time to review and finalize your plans.

Under the leadership of District Manager Jeffrey Becker, the EMT includes senior postal officials and Postal Inspectors.  Just as you have an Emergency Action Plan to protect your family and secure your property, the EMT has a multitude of tasks assigned in the Integrated Emergency Management Plan (IEMP) and its Hurricane Annex which outlines specific preparedness, response, and recovery actions as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  The mission of the EMT is to ensure your safety and well being as the Postal Service restores operations and service as quickly as possible following a tropical storm or a hurricane.

As with other federal agencies, the Postal Service utilizes an Incident Command System, a structure that defines the roles and responsibilities of individual EMT members. Roles range from overseeing the installation of hurricane shutters to recording employee emergency hotline messaging to restoring operations and service.

During an emergency, such as a tropical storm or a hurricane, the EMT relies on the Postal Alert Notification System (PANS), a web-based and wireless communications mechanism, to coordinate tasks and record actions taken before, during, and after a weather event.  

Throughout the season, the EMT monitors NHC advisories 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Based on these advisories, the team communicates through meetings and teleconferences to discuss weather conditions and to make operational decisions.  This information is then messaged to all employees through the National Employee Emergency Hotline, 1-888-363-7462.  

South Florida media outlets will advise our employees to call this number for the latest information on reporting schedules and facility status.  Stay tuned and be safe.

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