Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Avoiding Flood Water and Debris

Flood water from a tropical storm or a hurricane can cause noticeable damage to your vehicle’s exterior, but it's the less conspicuous internal damage that can lead to more serious trouble down the road. High water levels can corrode your wiring systems and ruin your engine, so it's wise to have your vehicle thoroughly inspected after tropical weather.

Although water damage is a major concern, damage from debris accounts for a higher number of auto insurance claims. Some damage may appear to be cosmetic, but larger objects, like fallen trees, can cause thousands of dollars in damage, or can even total your car.

If a tropical storm or a hurricane threaten your area, assess how much time you will have to get yourself to safety. If you do have substantial warning before the storm, the best way to protect your car is to get it to higher ground and away from areas that are susceptible to flooding. Keeping your car covered, preferably in a garage, is another good way to shield it from falling debris. If your car must remain outside, make sure it is parked away from trees, poles, or other large objects that could fall onto it.

If you plan on using your car to evacuate the area, map out a safe route and stay informed of changing weather conditions. During hurricane season, it's wise to carry emergency supplies in your car and to keep a full tank of gas at all times.

If your car does experience damage from flood water or debris, file a claim with your auto insurance company. Typically, hurricane-related damage is covered by comprehensive coverage, but you should verify your policy now. Also remember to check with your auto insurance company before you repair or replace your car.

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