Friday, February 15, 2019

2018 Perfect Attendance at Miami ISC

Sick leave is an important benefit to be used when you are incapacitated for duty. The Postal Service sick leave benefit accumulates every pay period, which allows you to build up a bank of hours that is available when needed for illness or injury, or for long term leave due to an extended illness, accident or medical condition. 
Because you can’t predict the future --- when you will get sick, or injured, or need extended time for a long recuperation period --- it is prudent to bank your sick leave hours. This will offer you a safety net for those times when you are physically unable to work.  
Recently, Miami International Service Center (ISC) Plant Manager Sheldon Dixon recognized and praised employees who did not use any sick leave in 2018: Maurice Chang, Obie Greenway, Cassandra Holland-Pigatt, Mackenzie Moise, Juan Porras, Daniel Roman, Juan Valladares, and Alisca Yves. Dixon presented each employee with a certificate for perfect attendance in front of their peers.
From left, Miami ISC Plant Manager Sheldon Dixon, Clerk Alisca Yves, Mail Handler Obie Greenway, and Clerk Maurice Chang.

From left, Miami ISC Plant Manager Sheldon Dixon; Electronic Technician Daniel Roman; Clerks Juan Porras, Juan Valladares, and Cassandra Holland-Pigatt; and Industrial Engineer Mackensie Moise.
Photos: Ine Diaz

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